Thames Valley Team 2004: Results

Tournament Name
Thames Valley Team
Tournament Date
Mon, 12 Apr 2004

at Burpham Village Hall, Guildford

Teams of three. 45-minutes each. Handicap (6.5 komi where relevant), Over nine used 7 komi per stone. Black wono jigo. Nigiri in even games. Sudden death. Three rounds Tie break by #Matches, #Games, Weakest team (M=, G=, S=).

Swindon          2 }
                   } Swindon          3 }
Bracknell Sober  1 }                    }
                                        } Swindon          2 }
Bracknell Drunk  2 }                    }                    } Swindon
                   } Bracknell Drunk  0 }                    } ~~~~~~~
Tigger           1 }                                         }
                                          Bailey           1 }
                     Tigger           2 }
Bailey           3 }                    }
                   } Bailey           1 }
Royal Standard   0 }

                     Royal Standard   3 }
                     Bracknell Sober  0 }

                                          Royal Standard   2 }
                                          Bracknell Drunk  1 }

                                          Tigger           2 }
                                          Bracknell Sober  1 }

Swindon won the "Broken Go Stone" trophy and also a marvellous Easter Egg made by Annie Hall.

'Royal Standard of England' of Beaconsfield. Tigger of Epsom. Bailey of West Surrey.

Tigger was randomly drawn through to round 2 over Bracknell Sober. Bailey was drawn through to round two as the only winner of round 1 Swindon had not already played. Tiggger and Royal Standard both brought teams of 4. One player from each team was opted out of the TTTTTT in each round. The opted out players played each other contributing to 3/3 individual prizes.

Individual 3/3: Alistair Wall, Jong Ug Kim.

10x10: Bill Streeten and David Hall, both with 3 wins.

1: Swindon
    Christian Scarff        2D  0 1 0   *
    Paul Barnard            1D  1 1 1   *
    Matthew Griffiths       11K 1 1 1   *
2: Tigger
   (M=2, G=5)
    Paul Margetts           1D  0 1 +
    Jong Ug Kim             2K  1 + 1   *
    Anna Griffiths          7K  - 1 0
    Adam Gibbons            14K 0 0 1
3: Bracknell Drunk
   (M=2, G=4)
    Clive Hendrie           2D  1 0 0
    Simon Goss              2D  0 0 1
    Nicola Hurden           11K 1 0 1
4: Bailey
   (M=1, G=5)
    Steve Bailey            3K  1 0 1
    Greg Bailey             13K 1 0 0 
    Pauline Bailey          15K 1 1 0
5: Royal Standard
    Alistair Wall           4D  + 1 1   *
    Francis Roads           4D  0 1 -
    Charles Leedham-Green   1D  0 - 0
    Bill Streeten           4K  0 1 0
6: Bracknell Sober
    Ian Marsh               1D  1 0 0
    Valentin Ispir          4K  0 0 1
    David Hall              5K  0 0 0
Individual Games:
    Alistair Wall           4D  1 . .
    Anna Griffiths          7K  0 . .
    Jong Ug Kim             2K  . 1 .
    Charles Leedham-Green   1D  . 0 .
    Paul Margetts           1D  . . 1
    Francis Roads           4D  . . 0
Last updated Wed Feb 12 2014.
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