BGA Newsletter 302 May 2023
Contributions are always welcome, both from our members and others. We ask that they be Go-related and "newsy". The place for debate and general discussion is the BGA open mailing list Gotalk. However, an introduction to a new topic is fine in the Newsletter. A brief introduction to Gotalk, with a link for joining, is on the BGA page Go on the Internet.
Instructions for Contributors: Please use plain text not file-attachments. Keep it fairly brief, and give web-links and contact details. It's good to include pictures. If they are on the internet, send me the URL, otherwise attach the picture files to your email. Send your contribution to to arrive by the first day of the month.
Jil Segerman
The full set of recent news items, including further details of some of the items shown here, are on our News Pages.
Pandanet Go European Team Championship
The UK team was matched against Slovenia in round six and won three games to one.
Details here. With one round to play we still lie second in League C, after Ireland.
First UCL Tournament
The inaugural Tournament of the University College London Go Club was held on the main campus in Bloomsbury, reports Zonglun Li on behalf of UCL Go (Weiqi, Baduk) Society.
The bar was set at 5d and there were nine players in the top group, resulting in a fierce competition for the top prizes. The overall first prize went to Yiyang Ding (5d KCL), followed by runners-up Chun Fang (6d Edinburgh) and Yaoling Yang (6d Bristol).
Further details with full list of prize winners in all categories here
British Schools Team Championship
On Sunday 23rd April the Youth Committee ran on OGS an inter-club championship, for school and other youth Go clubs. Eight teams took part (each was a team of three). Congratulations go to the winners Winchester College, with Edinburgh A being runners up.
Success in Europe
Yaoling Yang (7 dan Bristol) continued his ascent in the European rankings (now 8th overall and only 100 ranking points behind Ilya Shiskin) by winning all six of his games in the 51st Prague Open (Hunter's Cup), which concluded on 1st May. Notable victories included Pavol Lisy 2p and Stanislaw Frejlak 1p
Candidates' Result
The Candidates' Tournament took place over the holiday weekend 29th April to 1st May. The top 2 players were Bruno Poltronieri and Ho Yeung Woo, so presumably they will now fight out the title match for this year's British Championship.
2023 AGM Minutes
The 2023 AGM Minutes can be found at this link which is in the members area of the website.
British Go Journal
Issue 203 is currently at the printers and will be available in the members' area on about 15th May. Contributions to BGJ 204 are requested by 1st July.
This Month: Sheffield University, Not the London Open
June: Cheltenham, British Pair Go Championship (Frodsham), Durham, Welsh Open (Barmouth) , Galway
July: Cheshire (Frodsham), European Go Congress (Leipzig, Germany)
August: Youth Go Camp (Lincolnshire), Mind Sports Olympiad (London)
September: Edinburgh, Confucius Cup (Dublin), LGC Summer School (London)
More information here
4th Not The London Open
This is a six round tournament rated EGF Class A with side events, held at the London Go Centre. The professional-in-residence will be In-Seong Hwang, 8D. He is the official instructor for the FFG and runs the Go School Yunguseng Dojang. He will be available for reviews, advice, etc. He will also give two lectures and review the final game of the top board.
Durham Go Tournament
The annual Durham Go Tournament, a two-day event, is coming up in just over two months!
Throughout the tournament Sam Bithell (2-dan) will be on hand to review games and provide teaching/advice for kyu players between rounds. It should be a fun weekend!
There's a lot more information on the tournament website - or you can email any questions to
London Go Centre Summer School
2-3 September. There will be three teachers: Yaoling Yang, 7D, Matt Xi, 5D, ex-Singapore national team, Frederic Schlattner, 5D, Swiss national champion. More details to follow, check the club website or contact Gerry Gavigan
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.