17 - Players from Russia and Belarus



This policy applies to all events specifically run by the BGA (including the British Championship, the British Congress, and most Youth tournaments). For other events (including most regional tournaments) this policy is advisory. It applies to citizens of Belarus as well as of Russia.


Russia invaded the Crimea in 2014, and made a further invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Fighting between Ukraine and Russia continues. The EGF has suspended Russia (and Belarus) from membership of the EGF. There is normally no requirement when people enter tournaments for them to provide details of their nationality, so Tournament Organisers do not necessarily know the nationality of entrants. Entrants are asked to provide details of their “Club”, but this information is not mandatory (and if not provided the results will state “no club”). The EGD does have a box for “country”, but this information is self-supplied, not audited, does not necessarily represent their nationality and may be erroneous.


The BGA will accept entries from all persons who meet any specific requirements of the specific tournament, irrespective of nationality. Entrants may not advertise their allegiance to Russia or Belarus (including being a member of a Russian or Belarus club). This includes providing 'Russia' or 'Belarus' as the Country on the entry form. They must play as an unaffiliated individual. Players who deliberately advertise their allegiance to Russia or Belarus and continue to do so after a request to cease, may, at the TD’s discretion, be removed from the Tournament. They will be considered to be in breach of the BGA’s Code of Conduct.
Agreed by the Board, by email, on 9 December 2023.

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Last updated Thu Jun 06 2024.
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