Andrew Does Well in Korea

Korea Prime Minister Cup
Sat, 31 Aug - Fri, 6 Sep 2019

In the 2019 Korea Prime Minister Cup International Baduk Championship, our representative, Andrew Kay, came 9th out of 62 entries. He had 4 wins (against Cyprus, France, Argentina and Hungary) and 2 losses (to Korea, who came second, and Thailand). This is one of the best results ever in an international tournament by a British player. He is shown here playing the player from Hungary.

The Irish representative, Ruari McCloskey, was 59th with 1 win (against India).

The overall winner was He Xin of China with six wins. The group on five wins was Korea, Japan, Chinese Taipei, Germany (Arved Pittner), Thailand and USA. Eighth was Hong Kong. Results

Last updated Tue Sep 17 2019.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Toby Wins Cornwall Again

Sat, 7 - Sun, 8 Sep 2019

There was a disappointing turn-out at the Cornish Go Weekend which was held in Falmouth this year; it had, however, the same format as in previous years.

On the Saturday morning Ian Marsh and Toby Manning led a teaching session, while the Handicap Tournament on Saturday afternoon was won by local man Miles Henderson Smith (11k), with Peter Collins (3k Bristol) being runner-up. Results

On Sunday Toby Manning (1k Leicester) won the 3 round McMahon Tournament for the seventh time, while local man Paul Massey (1k) was the runner-up. Results

Last updated Fri Sep 13 2019.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Zhang Chao Lectures after T Mark Hall Rapid

T Mark Hall Rapid
Sat, 7 Sep 2019

On 7th September 2019 the second T Mark Hall Rapid Play Tournament was held at the London Go Centre. There were 22 entries ranging from 5 dan to 25 kyu, including several youngsters. The winner, with a clean sweep, was first time entrant Zhang Zhiqing (5d China). Second place went to another first timer, Gene Wong (3d), a youngster from Hong Kong. Third was Alistair Wall (1d). The battle below the bar was won by three 2 kyu players, Quentin Rendu, Richard Wheeldon and Paul Smith. Pierre Oliviere was the best-placed DDK and he also kindly brought along some of the youngsters. A special "fighting spirit" prize was awarded to another first timer - Ellis Martin (20k) from Sir John Lawes School - who hung in there despite having no success.

Last updated Fri Sep 13 2019.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Third Youth Camp Successful

The third residential Youth Camp took place at Caythorpe Court in Lincolnshire at the end of August, with 26 particpants. As before, it was a mixture of outdoor activities, Go games and mentoring, aimed at those in school year 6 or older, but a day longer than previous camps.

Last updated Sat Aug 21 2021.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Not All Go at MSO

Fri, 23 - Mon, 26 Aug 2019

This year's Mind Sports Olympiad was held, like the previous five editions, at the JW3 community centre in London. As usual a large variety of games and mind sports, both new and traditional, was played over the eight days of the event. Several Go players and their families were seen in non-Go events, with some, like Natasha Regan, winning a Gold medal.

Unfortunately the first Go event (9x9) scheduled for the Friday morning, 23rd August, was cancelled by the organisers as they thought there was only one entry (Paco Garcia de la Banda from Spain), but it turned out there was an error in their registration system which was not passing that event over to their tournament system; some people were disappointed not to play.

Last updated Fri Sep 13 2019.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Chinese Youth Event Final Report

Here is the final report from UK team leader and team coach, Martin and Helen Harvey, from their base in Xi'an:

19 Aug (Day 4): Today was full of Chinese history and culture. In the morning, the organisers took us to visit Louguantai Temple, situated in the northern foothills of the Qin Mountains (70 km east of Xi'an), the birthplace of Taoism. It is a famous holy place for tourists to visit, founded in the Western Zhou Dynasty and flourishing in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. It is a beautiful and scenic spot, surrounded by mountains, a bamboo forest and decorative buildings. Whilst there the teenagers dressed up in traditional costume, sang, played games of Go and practiced bow and arrow shooting, much to the delight of the media cameras. Great fun was enjoyed by all.

Last updated Tue Sep 17 2019.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Narrow win for Richard Hunter in Isle of Man

Leo Phillips Go Festival
Port Erin
Sun, 11 - Fri, 16 Aug 2019

The 2019 Isle of Man Go Festival, held in memory of its creator, Leo Phillips, took place in Port Erin in a new venue, St Andrew’s Church Hall. Although attendance was a disappointing 21 the participants (and several spouses and friends) were a friendly lot and the congress spirit of previous years continued. The new venue proved a success. It was slightly nearer the sea providing a seaview from the kitchen window (the well equipped kitchen also doubling up as an analysis room). Although the cooler than usual for August and slightly breezy weather meant that no one took advantage of the garden to play outside while admiring the seaview.

The main Open tournament was won narrowly on tie-break by Richard Hunter (1d Bristol) from Sandy Taylor (2d Cambridge), but Sandy got his revenge by winning the Afternoon Tournament.

Last updated Mon Sep 23 2019.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

UK Team Taking Part in Chinese Youth Event

Two European teams, one from France and one from the UK, were invited thanks to Fan Hui to take part in the 2019 "I-GO" "The Belt and Road International I-Go Youth Go Invitational Tournament", for teenagers. This runs from 16th to 22nd August in Xi'an in China.

Here is the first report from UK team captain and team coach, Martin and Helen Harvey:

The UK Team are enjoying the first few days of their trip to Xi'an. There are 20 teams, from six countries. The 4 UK Team members are Edmund Smith, Rowan Borrow, Daniel Gascoyne and Amy Upton - the latter 3 from Cheadle Hulme School (CHS), where Helen and I volunteer. We have thus opted for Cheadle Hulme School as the UK team name, as most of the other teams have a school name.

Last updated Tue Sep 17 2019.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Cheadle Hulme Girl wins Pair Go

European Go Congress

Congratulations to Lizzy Pollitt (facing the camera), 18 kyu from Cheadle Hulme School, for winning Group E of the Pair Go tournament at the annual 2-week European Go Congress, in Brussels this year.

Partnering a 2 dan from China, Li Feng, they won 5 out of their 6 games, including the final. Their prizes - presented by Martin Stiassny, EGF President - were nice wood-mounted shields plus a cash prize, on top of the Pair Go T-shirts generously awarded to all competitors.

It's been a successful week for Lizzy, on her debut EGC, as she also won 3 of her 4 games in the Main tournament - the Open European Championship Main Tournament.

Last updated Sat Jul 27 2019.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

BGJ 188 Now Available in Members Area

The Summer 2019 edition of the BGJ is now available for members to read.

Last updated Wed Jul 24 2019.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.