Events Calendar

The BGA is keen to promote Go and so publicises tournaments and other relevant events, in order to raise awareness of them. Such publicising does not imply oversight by the BGA except where expressly stated. The only inference to be drawn is that the BGA Board is confident that, for a rated tournament, the games are refereed to a standard that renders the outcome suitable for inclusion in the EGF database (or similar). The wider organisational issues remain the responsibility of the tournament organiser.

Children and young people are welcome to participate in Go tournaments, but the tournament organisers are not able to supervise children attending the event. Young people under the age of 16 should be accompanied by a parent, carer or someone acting in loco parentis.

Data Protection. Please note that the results of all tournaments displayed on this website are submitted to the European Go Database as described in our Data Protection Policy. The information displayed and sent to the database consists only of your name, club, grade and the results of the individual games.



Ulster Open

Saturday 29th March. Lisburn Chess Club, 60-63 Longstone St, Lisburn BT28 1TR. 3-round McMahon with Japanese byo-yomi 45 minutes + 3x30 seconds. More info on IGA website.
B More Info


Eunkyo Do 1p Group Lesson (online)

Saturday 5th April 16:00-17:30 GMT. Rank must be stronger than 5 kyu; see below for ranks weaker than 5 kyu. Online via video call, at a cost of £7.50 per person. Payment and video calling details will be distributed after sign up, with entries on a first-come, first-served basis for a maximum of 15 people. Beyond 15, entries will be placed on a reserve list and contacted in case of drop-outs. Payment must be confirmed prior to attendance. Contact Sam Bithell: sbithell.go AT
Entry Form Entries List

Tik Wai Cheung 4d Group Lesson (online)

Sunday 6th April 14:00-15:30 GMT. Rank must be between 20 kyu to 5 kyu; see above for ranks stronger than 5 kyu. Online via video call, at a cost of £5 per person. Payment and video calling details will be distributed after sign up, with entries on a first-come, first-served basis for a maximum of 15 people. Beyond 15, entries will be placed on a reserve list and contacted in case of drop-outs. Payment must be confirmed prior to attendance. Contact Sam Bithell: sbithell.go AT
Entry Form Entries List

British Go Congress

Friday 11th–Sunday 13th April. The New Melville Bridge Club, 1 Pinkhill, Edinburgh EH12 7BA. British Lightning Championship on Friday evening with bar at venue. British Open Championship on Saturday to Sunday, 6-round McMahon with Fischer time 45 minutes + 15 seconds.
A More Info Entry Form Entries List


Candidates (British Championship) and Aspirants

Saturday 3rd–Monday 5th May. Leicester County Bridge Club, 67 St. Oswald Road, Leicester LE3 6RJ. This Early May bank holiday weekend the BGA will host two 6-round tournaments in parallel, with Fischer time 75 minutes + 20 seconds.

Candidates: Seeded Swiss. The primary stage of the British Championship, where the top two advance to the Title Match to compete for the title of 2025 British Go Champion and significant cash prizes (thanks to private sponsorship). Players meeting the qualification and eligibility requirements are cordially invited to enter – those with EGD country UK who have qualified should appear in the 2025 Qualifiers list, though the list does not reflect eligibility. If you believe you have qualified but are not listed, please contact tournament-chair AT

NEW EVENT! Aspirants: McMahon. For players rated under 1900 to enjoy playing alongside and spectating Candidates. Rating is at time of entry: Aspirants who later qualify for Candidates will be moved to Candidates if eligible; otherwise, they can still play Aspirants even if their rating exceeds 1900.

Click "More Info" for details of both tournaments. To enter, please use the single Entry Form, selecting the one you can play. While we do not currently expect problems with venue capacity, early entry is encouraged in case a cap is introduced.
A BC More Info Entry Form Entries List Entries by Tournament


Tuesday 13th–Wednesday 14th May. Community Centre, Camanachd Square, Portree, Isle of Skye IV51 9BW. 6-round McMahon with Fischer time 45 minutes + 15 seconds. Besides the tournament, there is the opportunity to play on a recently installed giant Go board embedded in the paving on the nearby Somerled Square! Contact Carel Goodheir: 07842167207, carelgoodheir AT
A More Info Entry Form Entries List

Not the London Open

Saturday 24th–Monday 26th May. London Go Centre, Dalling Road, Hammersmith W6 0JD. 6-round McMahon with Fischer time 70 minutes + 10 seconds. We are delighted to have Minjin Lee 8p as the professional-in-residence, who will be on hand for game reviews, advice and lectures. Side Lightning Go event; total prize pool of both tournaments is around £1000, including £300 for the winner of the main tournament. Contact Gerry Gavigan: londongocentre AT
A Full Info/Entry Details


UK Go Challenge Finals

Saturday 7th June (provisional).


Saturday 7th–Sunday 8th June. Elvet Hill House, Durham DH1 3TH. 6-round McMahon with Fischer time 30 minutes + 10 seconds. Players welcome to play any combination of round(s), with reduced entry for single day entries. All-you-can-eat BBQ on the Saturday night and other social events. Contact Andrew Ambrose-Thurman: tournament AT
B More Info Entry Form

Pair Go


Sunday 22nd June. Barton Science Centre at Tonbridge School, Kent. Directions and map: Map Details

Welsh Open

Saturday 28th–Sunday 29th June. Dragon Theatre, Jubilee Road, Barmouth LL42 1EF. 6-round McMahon with Fischer time 30 minutes + 10 seconds. Entries welcomed for single days or both days. Players are welcome to miss any round(s), without detriment to prize-allocation. Free coffee, tea & biscuits. Contact Helen and Martin Harvey: harveymartin939 AT
B More Details Entry Form Entries list


European Go Congress, Warsaw, Poland

Saturday 19th July–Saturday 2nd August. DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel & Conference Centre Warsaw. Flagship event of the European Go Federation. Open events include the European Open Championship (a 10-round Class A tournament spanning two weeks), a 5-round Class A weekend tournament, and a 7-round Class C rapid tournament. Numerous side events, including rated events for youth, women and seniors, with many professional players in attendance.
A C More Info


Youth Go Camp, Caythorpe, Lincolnshire

Wednesday 13th–Saturday 16th August. Flyer for 2025. Entries should be received by 15th June; a discount applies for applications received by 1st May.

Mind Sports Olympiad (MSO)

Sunday 17th–Monday 25th August. JW3, 341-351 Finchley Road, London NW3 6ET. This is a modern Jewish Community Centre; please note food and knives etc may not be brought on site.







Three Peaks

Saturday 1st–Sunday 2nd November. Mealbank Hall, Oddies Lane, Ingleton LA6 3ER. 5-round McMahon with Fischer time 40 mins + 10 seconds.

  • Prizes: first £50, second £25, third £20, with trophies; additional prizes to be announced.
  • Entry fee: £20 standard, £15 youth/students, +£5 for non-BGA members.
  • Saturday 1nd: Registration 9:00–10:00. Three rounds starting 10:15, 13:45 and 15:45.
  • Sunday 2nd: Two rounds starting 10:00 and 13:30. Prize-giving at 16:30.

The Three Peaks tournament has always been a charity fundraising event. The raised money will be donated to the Rainbow Center in Morecambe, a self funded charity social center for the elderly. Note: The organizer is a trustee for this charity and its treasurer. Contact Adrian Abrahams: adrian7k AT
B Entry Form Entries List

British Youth Go Championships

Saturday 8th November. Leicester County Bridge Club

Northern Go Tournament

Sunday 30th November. Cheadle Hulme School, just south of Manchester, SK8 6EG. 3-round McMahon with Fischer time 30 minutes + 10 seconds.


London Open (provisional)

Sunday 28th–Wednesday 31st December. London Go Centre, Dalling Rd, London W6 0JD. 7-round McMahon with Fischer time 70 minutes + 10 seconds.





European Pair Go Championship (provisional)

Spring 2026. London Go Centre, Dalling Rd, London W6 0JD.

European Go Congress, Turkey

Saturday 25th July–Saturday 8th August 2026. Ankara Hacettepe University.

European Women's Championship

September 2026. London Go Centre, Dalling Rd, London W6 0JD.

Last updated Sat Mar 08 2025.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.