10 - Outreach and Publicity

Policy Statement

Outreach and publicity are important to the Association. Where this involves significant expenditure, this shall be authorised beforehand by the Treasurer, who may decide to consult the Board before approving the Expenditure,
We will pay professional fees for Go presentations to beginners by a suitably qualified presenter approved by the Board, provided that this is part of a planned outreach project and that the funds to do so are obtained from sponsors who agree to it and/or from revenue generated by the event.

Travel expenses will be paid to Go teachers according to our Financial Policy

Co-operation with other Mind Sports

We regard organisations supporting other Mind Sports as colleagues. We wish to continue cooperating with them in ways such as:
  • reciprocal advertising
  • sharing of venues and other resources
  • sharing of know-how
The editors of our publications (the Journal, Newsletter, web site and all promotional publications) will try to reflect that position.

Articles expressing an individual's personal preference for Go in a responsible way are welcome, but the Board will support the editors of the above publications whenever they decide to edit out expressions of snobbery in comparison to other mind sports, and jokes that may give offence.

Mind Sports Olympiads present significant opportunities for outreach and for developing friendship and cooperation with other mind sports organisations. The Board intends to continue participating in Mind Sports Olympiads and cooperating with their organisers.

How it is Implemented

The BGA keeps a stock of publicity material. We keep a supply of all promotional material and provide them to anybody wishing to use them tp promote Go.

Our introductory booklet, describing the background and rules of Go, and poster can be given free of charge to anyone desiring them other than for selling on. However, where a society or institution requires a large number of copies of the booklet and is able to pay for them, payment should be accepted at a rate of 50p per copy. Note: These items available on the Promotional material page. These may be freely downloaded, copied and distributed.

Our Roller Banner is available to borrow free of charge for outreach events.

Up to 50 "Durham Sets" a laminated 9x9 board with "tiddleywink" stones) are available each year to assist schools starting Go clubs. They are allocated at the discretion of the Youth Committee.

Other starter sets may be available at a subsidised rate, either from the Board or via the Youth Go Trust.
Supporting Information

Publicity is highly important to the success of the Association and the Board will encourage and give financial support to it.

The Board encourages the publication of both news stories and informative articles about Go both in the national media and in all levels of local media. While the present Board does not have manpower to carry out publicity projects of these kinds, we will be happy to allocate finances to support suitable projects initiated by members. Anyone willing to undertake such projects and requiring funds or other help is requested to discuss them first with the President.

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Last updated Thu Jun 06 2024.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.