E. Organisers’ FAQ

Can anyone run a tournament?

Yes anyone can. Though it is best if you have some experience of Go events or running other events. You should probably have attended one or two Go tournaments to see how they usually work.

How do I chose a date?

Look at our calendar. Preferably look for a vacant weekend, as there are fewer than 52 events per year, and look for a date that is not too close to the date of another event in your area.

How do I get the date on the calendar?

Send your proposed date to our Tournament Coordinator (tournament-coordinator@britgo.org) to check it is acceptable, and get it reserved. It can be marked as provisional at first if you are not too sure to start with.

Is there advice about venues?

Yes, Section 2 of this handbook tells you a lot about setting up and running a tournament.

What about public liability insurance?

We have public liability insurance that covers all our affiliated events (i.e. that pay the Levy). For more details of exactly what is covered, please contact the Treasurer: treasurer@britgo.org

Is there information on tournament systems?

Yes, Section 2 of this handbook tells you about the various tournament systems you could consider. The most common is a Three Round McMahon system event on a single day, though varying from this could make your event unique and more interesting.

Will the Association run it for me?

You will need to do the local organisation; such as finding the venue, organising refreshments, and accepting entries, but we can usually find someone to run the draw for you if you are inexperienced in running tournaments.

Is there a computer and software to help me do the draw?

We no longer provide a laptop computer and printer, but still provide the GoDraw program by Geoff Kaniuk. It will also usually provide help in running the program. Contact Geoff (draw-program@britgo.org) if you need advice.

Is there software to help with registration?

Tournament organisers can obtain a customisble entry form supplied by the Tourman system. Consult the Features page to see the functions supported. In brief, we provide an entry form, an entries list and response emails to player and TD. You can also create a registration file for importing into GoDraw. Contact Geoff on (ratings@britgo.org) for further information.

Do I need my own mobile phone?

A mobile phone used to travel with the computer, but nowadays most people have a mobile phone, so advertise yours or that of another organiser so that it can be used on the day to receive notification of late or cancelled entries.

Will the Association advertise the event for me?

You will need to produce the entry form and web page of information, but these are easily copied from existing examples. We will then list the event on our calendar, upload and link to the entry form as a PDF file, and link to a web page. This is explained in more detail in Section 2.4 of this handbook.

Can the Association make me a web page?

If you contact the Tournament Coordinator (tournament-coordinator@britgo.org) he can add an event flyer in PDF format to your listing. If you have your own web page we can link to that and you can link to local information pages and map pages.

Do I have to print entry forms or flyers?

No, you don't, but if you want to distribute your own copies, for example at events before yours, then you will have to print some yourself.

Will the Association lend Go stones, boards and clocks?

We can provide up to 100 Go sets, boards for your event to use. Some of these are superior sets which are normally only used for special events. The normal tournament sets come in multiples of 12. We also now have electronic clocks that can be used.

How do the sets get to me?

Usually volunteers transport sets from one event to the next. This is arranged through the Tournament Coordinator (tournament-coordinator@britgo.org) who will pass your information on the equipment organiser. Clearly it may be more reliable and helpful if you collect some sets from a prior event.

How many sets should I borrow?

Usually a guess at attendance can be made from attendance at similar events. The Tournament Coordinator will then ensure sufficient sets for this number will be available. Sometimes you can increase the number you require up to the night before the event, but early notice of increase is appreciated. Of course you need half as many sets as players.

Does the Association charge for its services?

Yes; it charges a tournament levy on each event. The current rates and submission form are here.

Will the levy be charged if I make a loss?

In general, Yes, since it's up to you to decide what the budget is and how much to charge. However, for new events with uncertainty over the number of entrants, the Treasurer (treasurer@britgo.org) may on request reduce or waive the levy in case of loss. Also if your event is longer than two days or experimental in some way, please contact the Treasurer to request a discount. Please talk to the Treasurer in advance of the event, preferably before you've set the entry fees.

If I am providing overnight accommodation will the Association cover any losses?

If agreed in advance we will often underwrite the costs of unused hotel or university bedrooms at important events, in return for half the profits.

How much should I charge?

Usually you can get a guide of going rates from other events. If you charge too much fewer people will come. You will have to decide whether to provide and charge for food or drinks, or not, as the food or drinks element can make the event seem more expensive.

Should I offer reductions?

Most events provide reductions for children, students, unwaged or elderly, or even someone's first tournament. You will have to decide how this would effect your budget and number of attendees.

What about charging for non-Association members?

The rate for the Levy is set so that you will pay only for players who are not at their first event and not a member of the Association and who also aren't a member of their national Go Association, e.g. the Nihon Kiin for Japanese players or the Deutsche Go Bund for German players. You should keep track of these, but you don't have to charge more for these players, but it may be easier for you to do so (and give them an incentive for joining us).

How do I make a press release?

There is a sample press release you can copy from. If you get a report published in the media, then please send a copy to the Tournament Coordinator for the archives.

How do I report results?

You need to make it clear on your event information that each player's results will be made public.

Make sure the web news editor (web-news-editor@britgo.org) gets a report of your event, including a list of prize winners, number of players and other interesting information on the event, so that you will get a write-up of your tournament into his BGJ tournaments column and the news pages on this web site. If you have any interesting photos from the event you may also supply these for the web or for publication in the British Go Journal.

If you have used the GoDraw program (version 6 or later) then you can get results to the web and the EGF ratings system easily by simply emailing your tournament file to the results officer (results at britgo.org). You will normally find the file in c:\GodrawSys\Tours and it will normally have a name including the year like MiltonKeynes_05.gdt for example. The full path to the file is also displayed on the title bar of the running program.

When you do send the file it is important to include peripheral data such as location, komi, and time limits as these are needed for the ratings system. If you have new people entering the tournament as No Club, it is helpful for purposes of identification to state their nearest town.

What about sponsorship?

This is always nice to help with publicity, prizes etc. We don't have any particular policy for this or, regrettably, contacts.

However, we feel that it is important to provide recognition to people who sponsor Go tournaments. If your tournament is receiving sponsorship then please inform us so that it can be mentioned on the calendar.

Where can I read more about what the Association does for events?

See page Section 2.4 of this handbook for more on selecting dates, reporting results, getting publicity and so on.

How do I make suggestions for changes?

Contact the Chair of the Tournaments Committee (tournament-chair@britgo.org) or someone else on the Tournament Committee.

Last updated Mon Jun 10 2024.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.