UK Tournament Report

Bei Ge wins Candidates'

Warwick University
Sat, 3 - Mon, 5 May 2014

24 qualified players made it to the Midlands venue of the University of Warwick for the first stage of the 2014 British Championship, the Candidate's Tournament. They played over six rounds on the three days of the May Bank Holiday weekend. The only player to win all his games was Bei Ge. Only losing to Bei was defending champion Andrew Kay. Alex Kent, Boris Mitrovic and Sandy Taylor all tied for third at the top of the group on four wins. Sixth was Des Cann, seventh was Tim Hunt and eighth was local organiser Bruno Poltronieri. Alistair Wall was the final player on four wins and so becomes reserve for the Challengers' League, which is held the next bank holiday in London.


Last updated Tue Jan 05 2021.
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Bar-Low Wanders to Warwick

Warwick University
Sun, 4 May 2014

The Bar-Low tournament was moved to Warwick University this year in order to regain its usual place alongside the Candidates' Tournament.

Chris Volk won four games, only losing to the dan level ghost player. Ben Ellis also won four, only losing to Chris. Those two agreed to have a blitz play-off game. This was won by Chris, so he took home the £30 top prize, while Ben took the second prize.

The tournament was generously sponsored, although the turnout was still low, so most of the players won cash prizes, including Peter Fisher who also won four out of five games, and everyone took home chocolate prizes.


Last updated Fri Oct 13 2017.
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All Go at the Red Lion

Welwyn Garden City
Red Lion, Hatfield
Sat, 26 Apr 2014

22 players attended the fourth Welwyn Garden City Tournament which this year was held at the Red Lion Public House in Hatfield.

The winner after a showdown on the top board was Paul Taylor (2d St Albans). Also winning 3 games out of 3 was Colin Maclennan (10k Twickenham). A prize for best young player was given to Edmund Smith (13k Cambridge) who won 2 games out of 3. Some smaller prizes were given at the organisers' whim to other winners of 2 games out of 3, including to Mark Baoliang Zhang (1k no club).

Results (Photo from Tony Collman)

Last updated Tue Jan 05 2021.
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North London beat France by Tie-Break

London International Teams
Melton Mowbray, Holborn
Sat, 5 Apr 2014

The Spring edition of the London International Teams moved from its usual Sunday to a Saturday to fit in with its new venue, the Melton Mowbray in Holborn.

This time a strong team of French players took part, but they lost out on the tie-break of Captain's results (match result would have been the same) to the North London Club. So North London was first (2 wins 5 games), France was second (2 wins 5 games) and Central London A was third (1 win 5 games). Wanstead took fourth place (1 win 2 games) with Alistair Wall bravely playing simultaneous games as they were a player short.

Last updated Fri Oct 13 2017.
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Andrew Kay wins in Sunny Birmingham

Newman House
Sat, 29 Mar 2014

18 people from 4d to 8k attended the 2014 Birmingham Tournament. Several players won two games, but only local player Andrew Kay won 3 games. He was the tournament winner beating Alex Kent in the last round.

The weather was amazing and there was a particularly enjoyable game review in the garden of the venue, Newman House (the University of Birmingham Catholic Chaplaincy).


Last updated Fri Oct 13 2017.
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Go Quotes on Skye Tournament Prizes

Sat, 15 - Sun, 16 Mar 2014

The third Skye tournament attracted thirty-six players, four more than the previous best. Four dan players, six kyu players and five late arrivals from Glasgow played in 9X9 leagues on the Friday evening; these were won by Matthew Macfadyen (6d Leamington), Nick Wedd (3k Oxford City) and Donald MacLeod (4k Glasgow) respectively.

Matthew Macfadyen also won the main tournament, with six wins. Ulf Olsson (3d Gothenburg) was second with five wins. Joseff Thomas (13k Glasgow University) and Gediminas Sarpis (20k Glasgow University) also won five games. On four wins each were Matthew Reid (1d Cambridge), Sue Paterson (4k Arundel), Rob Payne (7k Edinburgh) and Alasdair Clarke (11k Edinburgh).

The prizes again included bottles of "Skye Monkey Jump Ale", with Go quotes on the back labels replacing the Go proverbs of two years ago; those quoted range from Confucius to Captain James T Kirk. Local firms and craftspeople donated prizes, Diageo again gave a bottle of Talisker single malt.

Last updated Fri Oct 13 2017.
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Jon Diamond wins his first Trigantius

Parkside Community College, Parkside, Cambridge
Sun, 9 Mar 2014

Jon Diamond (4d) won the Trigantius Tournament in Cambridge for the first time. He beat ex-Cambridge student Will Brooks (3d) in the last round, to end top of the list of 35 players.

Jonathan Richman (5k) and Simon Mader (6k) were the two local players who won all 3 games. Tor Gillberg (11k) from the London City Club and local player Geoff Kaniuk (4k) both won 2 games out of 2.


Photos by Kiyohiko Tanaka

Last updated Tue Jan 05 2021.
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Polish children win EYGC Pair Go

EYGC Pair Go and Doubles
Bognor Regis
Sun, 2 Mar 2014

On the Sunday evening of the European Youth Go championship at Bognor Regis an informal Pair Go tournament was held for both the children and adults.

There were ten mixed pairs in the main group and after three rounds the unbeaten winners were the young Polish children Marianna Szychowiak (aged 9) and Wojceich Malkiewicz (aged 10). They beat Germany's mother and son pairing of Manja and Ferdinand Marz (aged 7) in the final.

In the same sex doubles section two of the 16 teams ended with three wins: French teenagers Matthias Mangin and Sylvain Bousquet and Czech girls Adriana Tomsu and Dita Vasova.

Results Photos

Last updated Thu Jan 21 2021.
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Cornel Burzo also wins British Open

British Open
Bognor Regis
Sat, 1 - Sun, 2 Mar 2014

As well as winning the British Lightning Cornel Burzo, 6d Romania, won all six games to win the British Open. He was two points clear of division 2 winner and runner up Robert Rehm, 5d Netherlands, division 2 runner up Bei Ge, 5d UK, and division 3 winner Felix Wang, 4d UK, and division 3 runner up Andrew Kay, 4d UK. Francisco Divers also did very well winning all six games. The trophies and prizes were all awarded based on divisions by grade.

Div 4 Francisco Divers, 1d UK
Div 5 Michael Charles, 1k UK, Runner-up Roger Huyshe, 3k UK
Div 6 Martin Harvey, 4k UK, Runner-up Wojciech Szychowiak, 5k PL
Div 7 Jan Willemson, 6k EE
Div 8 Gerry Gavigan, 12k UK, Runner-up Mikhail Mramorov, 13k RU

61 people took part.

Also receiving a trophy was event organiser Toby Manning who collected the Terry Stacey Trophy.

Results Photos

Last updated Thu Jan 21 2021.
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Cornel Burzo wins British Lightning

British Lightning
Bognor Regis
Fri, 28 Feb 2014

48 players sat down in eight groups to play the British Lightning. This was the first event at the combined BGC and EYGC weekend at Bognor Regis.

The winners of the groups went on to the knock-out stage: Paul Barnard, Cornel Burzo, Francisco Divers, Anton Kriese, Andrei Mramorov, Des Cann, Jonas Welticke and Richard Hunter. Cornel then went on to beat Francisco to reach the final against Jonas, who had beaten Andrei. The final was decided on the clock (and on the board) in favour of Cornel, the Romanian 6d.

Results Photos

Last updated Thu Jan 21 2021.
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