Teacher List
This page lists suppliers of Go teaching, who provide a service tailored to the customer’s needs, and who charge for their service. If instead you are looking for elementary instruction in Go, see our How to Play Go section or Tel’s Go Notes.
We also have a set of Accredited Go teachers, who may or may not charge for their services.There are many suppliers of such services, so this page will be restricted to suppliers who can deliver the lessons in English. Anyone offering English-language Go teaching is invited to email us with some information, so as to be listed on this page.
European |
Rest of World
Web sites |
Guo Juan, 5p
Guo Juan is one of the strongest Go players in Europe; she played as a professional in China. She is also an inspiring teacher. She lives in Amsterdam but can travel to do workshops. She used to deliver her lessons by email or as teaching games on the Kiseido Go Server, but nowadays she uses her Internet Go School to deliver lessons and courses, including her on-line audio teaching service.
She has has been the professional at most of our Strong Players Weekends.
Alexandre Dinerchtein, 3p
Alexandre Dinerchtein was the first Russian professional and lived in South Korea for some years after 1997.
His web site is at breakfast.go4go.net.
Mateusz Surma , 2p
Mateusz Surma is a professional go player from Poland. He runs an Online Go School and offers Online Go Courses.
More information at https://polgote.com/en/go-lessons.
Cristian Pop, 7d
Cristian Pop offers teaching in the format required by his pupils; he recommends playing a game against him, which he then reviews. He plays on KGS as ‘Solaris’.
Dragos George Bajenaru, 6d
Dragos Bajenaru offers on-line lessons on KGS normally lasting two hours. He plays on Dashn, Pandanet (IGS) and KGS as ‘toxxicu’.
Ion Florescu, 6d
Ion Florescu (Mirel) teaches on KGS and other servers, at €10 per lesson. He uses the name ‘Tsurukame’.
Ion Florescu’s teaching is described on his Tsurukame Go School web site tsurukame.ro.
Cornel Burzo, 6d
Cornel Burzo is a Romanian Go player. He offers online teaching games on Pandanet (IGS) and also on KGS. He charges €16 per hour (with bulk discounts) and uses the names ‘Cornel’, ‘CornelB’, and ‘MyMaster’ online.
More details at his web site golessons.com.
Csaba Mero
Csaba Mero is a 6 dan amateur from Hungary.
More details at his web site aromo go school.
Robert Jasiek
Robert Jasiek is a 5 dan amateur player from Berlin. He is noted as an author of Go books and as a rules expert.
He offers online or written teaching, which he has done for about a decade now. For online teaching, he charges between EUR 6.4 and 16 per hour, depending on discount and teaching format (2013 prices). You can email him at jasiek@snafu.de.
More details at his web site.
Catalin Taranu, 5p
Catalin Taranu is Romanian and a professional with the Nihon Kiin. He is often seen teaching Go at big European events and at his Go Salon in Bucharest. He can be found on KGS as fifi.
His web page is on GoBase.
Svetlana Shikshina, 3p
Svetlana Shikshina is Russian and a professional in Korea, and was specialising in teaching children in that country before starting a family. She plays on KGS as 'redrose'.
Hwang In-Seong, 7d
Hwang In-Seong is a Korean player living in Europe and running an online training school, the Yunguseng Dojang.
Huang Yukai 6d
Huang Yukai, 6D, offers online teaching games for adults on Pandanet (IGS) and KGS, and charges €10-15/h. You can contact him at ykhuang14@gmail.com in both English and Chinese (Mandarin).
Li Yue, 6d
Li Yue is a Chinese trainee professional, the sister of Li Ang. She has written six books on Go. She is living for a while in Spain.
She charges about €15 an hour for on-line lessons on KGS. You can contact her at liyue86@hotmail.com, find her on KGS, where she uses the name ‘liyue’, or at her web site aygoschool.com.
Joey Hung, 8d
Joey Hung has represented the USA at international events and has been teaching Go in the Bay Area of San Francisco since 1993.
He teaches on-line on KGS and Pandanet (IGS).
Feng Yun, 9p
Feng Yun is one of the few female 9-dan professionals in the world. She lives in New Jersey, and sometimes visits Europe. She offers well-prepared teaching programs to interested students at all levels, from beginners to high-ranking amateurs.
Her Feng Yun Go School web site is at http://www.fengyungoschool.com.
Liu Yajie, 2p
Liu Yajie teaches Go in China. She provides the BGA with difficult problems for the British Go journal.
US-based Professionals

Yang, Yilun, 7p
Jiang, Ming-Jiu, 7p
He, Xiaoren, 5p
Janice Kim, 3p
James Kerwin, 1p
Lin, Xuefen, 1p
Yang, Huiren, 1p
Like Feng Yun, these teachers are based in the US. You may find them online on KGS.
Korean Schools
Some Korean Go Schools are described here.
The Go Teaching Ladder
The Go Teaching Ladder allows you to have your games reviewed, free, by stronger players. You can also offer to review the games of weaker players.
The Go Teaching Ladder web site is gtl.jeudego.org.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.