iPhone, iPad and iPod Apps
These are most of the important English language apps for Apple's iOS operating system, which supports the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Sensei's Library contains more details about these and other apps for the iPad and the iPhone. All items without prices are free.
If you are a beginner please have a look at our Tips for Beginners page which contains our initial recommendations for you.
In addition Go for kids Capture Go! is very good as an introduction to Go, but not a complete game.
Clients for Go Servers
These all allow users to interact with other users, players and games on the servers they support. They all require you to get an account before you can use them.
- Go Quest Go Quest app (9x9 and 13x13 fast play only)
- Panda Tetsuki Official Pandanet-IGS client
- Tengen Go Online Pandanet-IGS client and local game player, with game recording/review (£2.49)
- Go Toucher Pandanet-IGS client and game teaching analysis, also 3-player Go! (£2.99)
- WBaduk HD Official WBaduk client with professional game records
- TYGEM BADUK Official Tygem client
- There is no KGS client available for iOS as the existing one requires Java
Game playing (against the computer)
- Go for kids Capture Go! (£1.49)
Most of the following also allow for game recording and editing:
- Champion Go ~Crazy Stone~ is a strong Go playing engine (4 dan?), with different playing levels and an SGF viewer. (£5.49)
- GinseiIgoHD computer and offline play (£2.99)
- iGoban offline play
- Igowin HD computer play, uses Many Faces of Go engine, and local play (£6.99)
- joygo games player and networked games via Apple Game Center
- Light GO 9x simple game player (£2.99), also Light Go 13x
- Nihonkiin Go Free offline game player
- SmartGo Player computer play (£1.99)
- SmartGo Kifu many professional game records and problems, joseki and fuseki analysis, game recording/review and computer play. (£13.99)
Other apps
It's now difficult to categorise these programs since they seem to cover to different extents game playing (against a computer or a person), game recording and review, problem analysis
- Baduk Cap score the final board position by taking a picture or live capture a game by installing an iPhone above the board (£3.49)
- Cho U’s 4 by 4 Go Puzzle 4x4 board puzzle book! (£1.99)
- Easy Go problem solving and game recording/browsing. Free version also available. (£7.99)
- Go Eye game recorder/browser with web integration - Facebook, Twitter, Sina (£7.49)
- Go Game - Life And Death Life and Death library. (£2.49)
- Go Player professional games library.
- GoGrinder problem practice. (£1.99)
- Igo School Introduction Introduction to Go lessons with exercises (£2.49)
- Nihonkiin Tsumego Master problem analysis
- 围棋定式辞典 joseki dictionary (£2.99)
- XGoo HD professional games with pattern search and live game broadcasts (£6.99)
Go Books and TV broadcasts
- SmartGo Books many Go books for downloading, some out-of-print - free sample chapters.
- Nihonkiin GO BOOKS Go Weekly, Japanese books, news and daily professional games
- badukTV live Baduk TV with Korean commentary (monthly payment)
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.