Most of these events are whole-day events (typically 10:00 am – 4:00 pm), although some are half-day events associated with a tournament. We have some advice for those intending to run such an event.
From the point of view of students, a typical event might include:
- Analysis of participants’ games
- Analysis of professional games
- Some important life-and-death problems
- Yose (endgame) workshop
- Dealing with moyos (large territorial frameworks)
A typical event will have between 12 and 20 participants, with 2 teachers. For some topics the students will be divided into 2 sections by strength. We are looking for hosts to hold teaching events - we can provide the teacher if you can provide the venue - please contact us. If a club or local organiser requires specific additional topics this can usually be arranged.
With the exception of the Strong Player’s weekend, each event will be run by strong British Go players who are accredited by the Association. The Strong Player's weekend is restricted by numbers (and strength) and normally has a professional in charge, Guo Juan for the last few years.
There's normally a half-day teaching event at Penzance on the morning of the Saturday of the Cornwall tournament in September and also on the afternoon preceding the British Go Congress in March/April. There has often been a combined teaching day and mini-tournament at the London Go Centre in November/December.
Details of teaching events will be found in the Tournament Calendar.
Guideline fees are:-
- Half day £ 5.00
- Full day £ 8.00
Professional Visits
From time to time we get Oriental or European professional players visiting the UK. They perform teaching at a tournament, such as the London Open, or tour a variety of clubs teaching and playing simultaneous games. Sometimes these visits are part of a top professional title game or teaching tour.
You can read about the 2013 teaching tour by Michael Redmond 9p and the 2002 Kisei title game and associated teaching.
The fees shown above will be doubled for a workshop where the teacher is of professional strength (such as the Strong Players' Teaching Weekend), but if the visit is attached to an event, or is sponsorred, then there is often no change.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.