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Title Posted Type
British Championship Title Match - Games 1 and 2 UK News
BGJ 200 Now Available in Members' Area Announcement
Much Go Demoing at JSNW Liverpool Japan Day Festival UK News
28th Welsh Open Won by Peikai Xue UK Tournament Report
British Pair Go Held at London Go Centre UK Tournament Report
Welcome Return of Durham Tournament's BBQ UK Tournament Report
2022 AGM Minutes Council News etc.
Gaoge Wang Wins Candidates' UK Tournament Report
First Sheffield University Tournament Held UK Tournament Report
UK Win but Get Demoted Foreign Tournament Report
AGM Meeting Details Council News etc.
BGJ 199 Now Available in Members' Area Announcement
Stephanie Yin 1p at Not the London Open UK Tournament Report
UK Lose to Germany Foreign Tournament Report
Candidates Tournament 2022 UK Tournament Diary
2022 AGM - Agenda and Papers Council News etc.
British Open Held In Lancaster UK Tournament Report
UK Lose to Finland Foreign Tournament Report
Runyi Wu Wins Cheshire UK Tournament Report
Chinese Students Take Top Places at Cambridge Trigantius UK Tournament Report
BGA AGM 2022 Announcement
UK Lose to Austria Foreign Tournament Report
EGF Suspends Russia Foreign News
UK Youth Team Win to End Third Junior Tournament Report
BGA Congress Details Available UK News