Some new UK Juniors in the 2018/19 European Youth Go Team Championship

European Youth Go Team Championship
Venue: in the Euro Youth teams room
Sat, 24 Nov 2018 - Sat, 16 Feb 2019

Alison Bexfield, UK Youth Team Captain, writes:

I am pleased to announce this year's UK Youth Team for the European Youth Go Team Championship 2018/19 (EYGTC). This is held online over four rounds on KGS.

The standard in the UK team has increased every year, with this year no exception. I put together a talented UK Team Squad with up to 15 Juniors, and then I select a team of 5 for each match, from three age groups. Each match is played over five boards - one U20, two U16 and two U12.

Traditionally we have done quite well in the U12 age groups, but less so at the top end, where often board 1 is a mid-rank dan player.

Last updated Sun Nov 25 2018.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Jamie Taylor Only Winner Against Belgium

Pandanet Go European Team Championship
Tue, 20 Nov 2018

Jamie Taylor was the only one of our team to win a game in the third round match against Belgium. He wrote: I won my game against Lucman Bounoider, despite my best efforts. I think we were both a bit tired, as my opponent died big quite early on, then I made a colossal mistake to allow it to live instead. After that I think we both just started playing worse and worse, donating points to each other all over the board. Eventually he resigned, after I got out of several narrow scrapes, none of which I had any business being in in the first place. I can't complain though, a win's a win.

Alex Kent wrote about his board one game against Lucas Neirynck: I lost by resignation. As black I opened with a Kobayashi style fuseki, and instead of playing the "normal" two-space approach my opponent played the 3-3 invasion in the upper-right.

Last updated Tue Jan 05 2021.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Sam Aitken New British Champion

On Sunday 18th November the third and deciding game of the British Championship 2018, between Andrew Simons and Sam Aitken, took place in Cambridge. After a long game involving a big ko fight, Sam Aitken won by 14.5 points to win the match. The game relay is available; an audio commentary was also provided on KGS by Andrew Kay.

Sam had not previously played the title match; Andrew had in 2013, 2015 and 2017, winning it in 2015.

Last updated Sat Dec 15 2018.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

17 BGA volunteers demo Go all day to youngsters

Manchester DokiDoki - Japanese Festival
Sat, 10 Nov 2018

On a pleasant autumnal day, this year - as ever - the splendidly organised Doki Doki Festival was held in Manchester, helped a lot by members of the friendly Japan Society North West (JSNW).

This is an exciting event, with all imaginable Japan-themed activities, stalls & competitions, attracting a huge and youthful attendance. For each such occasion, the organisers invite us back (we're the British Go Association - BGA), to give free Go demos to large numbers of the public. As ever, we quickly accepted.

17 BGA members kept 7+ demo-boards busy, from 10am to 6pm, after setting-up of our stalls from 8am. This number helped cover us at busy times, and enabled us to take refreshment & other breaks.

Last updated Tue Dec 04 2018.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.
Last updated Sun Nov 18 2018.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Three Peaks Ends in Tie

Three Peaks
Sat, 3 - Sun, 4 Nov 2018

The Three Peaks Tournament was held, as the previous two years, at the Wheatsheaf in the centre of the picturesque small Yorkshire town of Ingleton. 34 players took part, but six played just the Saturday. The tournament ended in a tie as both Matthew Cocke and Chao Zhang ended with four wins out of five. Chao had beaten Matthew but had lost to Peikai Xue, who was third (just ahead of Alistair Wall). Chun Yin Wong (8k) from Lancaster was the only other prize winner for four wins. Bob Scantlebury won the prize for being the first to enter and a prize this year was given to the youngest competitor, Ryan Zhang, who is only 5.


Last updated Mon Nov 12 2018.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

UK Lose to Strong Serbian Team

Pandanet Go European Team Championship
Tue, 30 Oct 2018

Our team lost all four games against Serbia. The result was not a surprise, as Serbia has an extremely strong team, quite likely the strongest in this league. They went top, just ahead of Sweden, after this match. Our team had fallen to eighth position after this round, round two. The next match will be on Tuesday 20th November, against Belgium.

Alex Kent wrote: I lost my game against Nikola Mitic by 17.5 points. I made an effort to play a slightly calmer/simpler opening than I normally do, which gave me a playable position early in the middle game. I may have made a few moves which were too meek - in particular my pincer on move 20 probably would have been more effective if it was closer to the action. I think I should have tenukied in a couple of places where I didn't. My opponent launched an effective splitting attack which built up his large potential on the left side - things came to a head soon after when a large ko developed on the lower side.

Last updated Tue Jan 05 2021.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

BGJ 185 Now Available in Members Area

The Autumn 2018 edition of the BGJ is now available for members to read.

Last updated Wed Oct 31 2018.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Chao Zhang Wins the Wessex

Sun, 28 Oct 2018

29 players took part in the 49th Wessex Tournament, held as in the previous ten editions at St. Mark's Community Centre in Bath. Chao Zhang from London was the easy winner and is seen collecting the trophy from organiser Ian Sharpe (right). His young son Ryan also received a special prize for being the youngest and fastest player.

Three other players on three wins also won prizes: Toby Manning (1k Leicester), Eric Hall (6k Swindon) and James Taylor (8k Warwick University).


Last updated Tue Jan 05 2021.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Chinese Strong in Northern

Cheadle Hulme School
Sun, 21 Oct 2018

On a fine autumn day, 41 players attended this year's Northern tournament, including players from as far away as Dundee. Helen Harvey was on hand, selling items from the N-W's BGA stock of Go equipment and books. Cheadle Hulme School (CHS) once more kindly hosted the event, providing an excellent venue.

The overall winner, whose name will complete the array of mini-shields on the face of the Red Rose trophy, was Honghao Lu (2d 'Jason' from Manchester), pictured collecting the trophy and top prize of £50 from MC of the main event, Chris Kirkham. Last year's winner Yangran Zhang (3d 'Eric' from Manchester) was runner-up.

Last updated Mon Oct 29 2018.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.