AWCC Results

Wed, 11 - Fri, 13 Jul 2018

The fifth Annual World Collegiate Weiqi Championship (AWCC) was held in Cambridge this year and organised by the International University Weichi Federation (IUWF). Naturally it was supported by the BGA and sets were provided by the Ing Foundation in Shanghai. Many of the organising team were students at British Universities including Daniel Hu, Junan Jiang, Weichin Dai and Joanne Leung.

The tournament had 102 players (a view of one of the two playing rooms is shown here). It was held over two days and six rounds, apart from the A group that also had semi-finals and final (shown below) on the third day, the Friday. This was broadcast on a Chinese Go server, like the pro games, and analysed by professionals (shown below middle with Daniel Hu translating) for the other student players.

Last updated Tue Sep 25 2018.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

World Collegiate Tournament Started

Wed, 11 - Fri, 13 Jul 2018

The 5th Annual World Collegiate Weichi Championships (AWCC) started on Tuesday in Cambridge with an Opening Ceremony. About an hour of speeches was followed by a dinner. Participants were welcomed by a number of dignitaries, including BGA President Toby Manning.

The first three rounds of the Championship take place on Wednesday, with the remaining 3 rounds on Thursday. UK hopes are resting on British Champion Daniel Hu, from Cambridge University and current British Champion, but he lost 2 of his first 3 games.

Alongside the Championship are the semifinals of the Chang Qi Cup, a Professional Tournament normally held in China. The photo shows the start of the second game between Shi Yue and Mi Yuting; Mi Yuting defeated Shi Yue 2-0 in the best of-three match.

Last updated Tue Sep 25 2018.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Shodans left cussing as Alison Wins Welsh Open

Welsh Open
Sat, 30 Jun - Sun, 1 Jul 2018

The 26th Welsh Open proved to be a hot one - both in the air temperature approaching 30C and the fierce competition for overall winner. The regular organisers & tournament directors Helen and Martin Harvey apologised the previous year for ineffective sun-dancing leading to rain. This year the TDs sought forgiveness - for over-zealous sun-dancing, however. The resultant queuing at the bar at least kept the hotel-owner happy, and meant we could avoid the queues if players wanted hot drinks or - in many cases - cold water.

Held in its constant, scenic coastal town of Barmouth since 1993, the event again passed off smoothly and enjoyably. A slight increase meant that 33 played in at least one of the six rounds, including three shodans and down to a 17-kyu. Participants once more travelled from across the UK – from Dundee, Cambridge, London and yes, two from Wales! Numbers and conversation at the evening meals were enhanced by non-playing partners.

Last updated Mon Jul 09 2018.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Boris Mitrovic Retains Scottish Open Title

Scottish Open
Sat, 23 - Sun, 24 Jun 2018

Twenty-four players contested the Scottish Open 2018 over two days at the Offices of Skyscanner in the centre of Edinburgh. Thanks to Skyscanner, as well as hosting the event, the participants were fuelled throughout the contest with drinks and copious pizza. Also on the Saturday evening the movie "The Surrounding Game" was shown.

Local player Boris Mitrovic (2d) retained the title by winning all his games. On four wins out of six were Neil McLean (1k), Toby Manning (1d), Alistair Wall (1d), Rob Payne (6k) and Roger Daniel (7k). James Richards (2k Edinburgh) won the 9×9 small board contest.


Last updated Mon Jul 23 2018.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Matthew Cocke Stops Durham Winning Run

Sat, 9 - Sun, 10 Jun 2018

The 2018 Durham Go Tournament was held at the Oriental Museum for the second year running. Numbers continue to increase, and the 35 entrants ranged from 20k to 4d, reported organiser Andrew Ambrose-Thurman.

As usual, the Durham tournament has a number of opportunities for socialising - including our annual all-you-can-eat Go BBQ. Luckily the weather was sunny and warm (far better than it has been in previous years!), and there were 25-30 people playing Go on picnic blankets (as shown in the picture) and garden tables, including some who hadn't been able to attend the tournament itself.

The top board games were broadcast live over the internet and shown on a big screen in the side room (where there were refreshments available and boards for reviews and side events), although sadly this didn't work properly for some of the games.

Last updated Tue Jun 26 2018.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

UK Battles Italy for Promotion

Pandanet Go European Team Championship
Tue, 29 May - Tue, 5 Jun 2018

Having finished second in the B-League our team would have to play a best-of-five play-off against the second bottom A-League team for promotion. At first it was thought it was going to be against Serbia, but Italy had their lost points reinstated as the allegations of using computer assistance were over turned. Unfortunately short notice at exam period meant some of our top players were unavailable, but the five players we did field definitely stood a chance of winning their way to the A-League, the opponent's grades being 5d, 4d, 4d, 3d and 3d.

The first two boards were played on 29th May, which were both lost, and so we had to win all three games a week later on 5th June.

Chris Bryant wrote: I lost my game against Carlo Metta by resignation. It's been a long time since I felt that outclassed in a game.

Last updated Tue Jan 05 2021.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Joanne and Bruno Win Top Prizes at Pair Go

British Pair Go
Sat, 2 Jun 2018

The 38th British Pair Go Championships was held as the last few years at the Red Lion in Hatfield, who always make us welcome and sell a good lunch. 16 pairs played, split as usual into two sections, and it was again pleasing to see so many young players in the handicap group. To select the top Championship group it looked like the three pairs at 3.5 kyu would have to be split, but in the end the pair of Andrew Simons and Yansai Noeysoongnoen sadly had to withdraw because of illness.

The battle for first place was then expected to be between three former champion pairs and a pair of strong Chinese from London. However Alison and Simon Bexfield beat Kirsty Healey and Matthew Macfadyen, and then beat Xiao Yu Gong and Ho Yeung Woo to reach the final. Joanne Leung and Bruno Poltronieri beat Natasha Regan and Matthew Cocke, to also reach the final. After a tough game, it was Joanne and Bruno who became the champions for the second time.

Last updated Tue Jan 05 2021.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Not the London Open Held Alongside Challengers' League

Not the London Open
London Go Centre
Sat, 26 - Mon, 28 May 2018

Over the first three days of the Challengers' League the London Go Centre also hosted the first Not the London Open Tournament. 22 players took part, but not all every day. Winner was Weijin Chen (5d London) with six out of six (emulating his clean sweep at the last LOGC). Second was Finland's Jesse Savo (4d) with five wins and Zihe Zhao (4d Oxford) came third. Czech player Jan Adamek (10k) won five games, Alexandre Kirchherr (6k) won four and Sebastian Pountney (7k) won four out of five.


On the Saturday evening the organisers showed the documentary movie "The Surrounding Game", which follows the quest for the first American Go professional. Appropriately also at the event was Pavol Lisy, who was the first European Go professional, analysing games and giving lectures. They also held a small lightning tournament on the Sunday evening.

Last updated Thu Jun 21 2018.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Sam Aitken Comes Through

Challengers' League
Sat, 26 - Tue, 29 May 2018

The Challengers' League took place over the bank holiday weekend (plus Tuesday) at the London Go Centre. Sam Aitken won all of his games to lead the field, as at Candidates', but it was much closer in the race for second position.

Going into the final round there were permutations which could have led to tie breaks and any of Andrew Simons, Alex Rix and Boris Mitrovic ending up with second place. In the end, Alex lost his game to Sam Bithell and Andrew beat Boris meaning that he took second place with no need for a play-off. Alex was third with four wins, Boris, Charles Hibbert and Sam Bithell won three, Alistair Wall two and Tim Hunt one.

Sam Aitken and Andrew Simons will now play in the title match games to decide this year's British Championship.


Last updated Tue Jan 05 2021.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Challengers' League Underway

Challengers' League
Sat, 26 - Tue, 29 May 2018

The eight-player Challengers' League has got underway at the London Go Centre. The players, selected at the Candidates' Tournament earlier in the month, are playing an all-play-all to find the two challengers to play the British title match later in the year. After the first day it was Sam Aitken and Charles Hibbert who were on two wins. On one win were Alex Rix, Andrew Simons (who lost to Charles), Boris Mitrovic and Sam Bithell. Alistair Wall and Tim Hunt were yet to score. The epic game of round 2 was Boris Mitrovic against Sam Bithell which lasted for an hour and a quarter of overtime and saw Sam (1k) beating Boris (2d). The League continues until Tuesday.

Alongside the League, the London Go Centre was organising its Not the London Open Tournament with 22 players. On the Saturday evening they showed the documentary movie "The Surrounding Game" which follows the quest for the first American Go professional.

Last updated Tue Jan 05 2021.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.