Advice for Youth Go Organisers
BGA policy on working with children and young people
In addition to its Youth Go policy, the BGA believes it is necessary to have a Safeguarding - Children and Young People policy for the safety and wellbeing of the young people playing Go at events run by the BGA, and also for the guidance of those members who are new to working with young people.
The guidance covers:
- providing a safe environment for children and young people to enjoy go;
- appointing and supporting members who work with young people; and
- what to do if a situation of concern arises involving children or young people.
In addition to the Safeguarding policy, there is a specimen form that you can use to obtain signed consent and contact/medical information when taking young people to Go events.
Help for Junior Go Clubs
The British Go Association can provide help to any school (or other organisation) which has a junior Go club, or is planning to set one up, or to have a Go section in a chess or games club. Here are some of the things the BGA can do:
Go Equipment
- We can advise where to purchase equipment at reasonable prices. Schools that are BGA members can buy from us. We normally advise others to buy from a local stockist or mail order supplier. We can provide a very limited number of small cardboard Go sets if you are interested in evaluating Go before taking it up seriously.
Go Rules
- We have free sets of rules which are designed to be easy to understand. 'Go, An Introduction' is a cartoon booklet by Andreas Fecke which you are free to copy and distribute in your school.
- 'An Introduction to the Game of Go' is a booklet giving some cultural and historical background as well as a full introduction to the rules. You are also free to print and distribute it in your school.
The UK Go Challenge
- The UK Go Challenge takes place every Summer term and is designed for children of all strengths, including beginners. It begins with a local tournament which you organise in your school with the aid of tournament packs provided by us. Those who do well enough are entitled to enter a national final in July. Please refer to the UK Go Challenge web site for more information.
Visits from established Go players
- The BGA can arrange for an established Go player to visit your club to help with explaining the basics or more advanced Go teaching. There are volunteers in many areas keen to assist and also Go teachers who work nationally.
'Go and Asia' Booklets
- These free booklets explain the basics of Go and at the same time tell you interesting facts about Japan, China and Korea. They are aimed at primary school classes.
Go Puzzle Sheets
- This collection of puzzles has 31 pages with 6 puzzles on each, nearly 200 puzzles altogether. The first ones are designed for someone who has just learned the rules of Go. The puzzles get more and more difficult as you go on. Anyone who can do them all must be approaching the grade of 10-kyu, which would put them in the top 30 British juniors.
Grading Certificates
- The BGA has in the past produced certificates that can be presented to children to record their achievement at various levels.
Travel to competitions
- Travel to Go competitions, including the British Youth Go Championships each year, can be subsidised. The Youth Go Trust, set up to assist young Go players, can help with travelling expenses.
Play other schools on the Internet
- We can help to arrange for you to play games against other school clubs, which may be a long way away, using the Internet. Games played this way don't usually take much longer than if you were playing someone sitting next to you.
Computer Go
- The BGA web site has a page about playing programs and a page of links for downloading Go software. Especially recommended is a free computer program called IGOWIN, which runs under Windows and can play Go on a small board. This program also provides an estimate of the strength of the other player. There is also information there about other Go programs.
For more information contact, the BGA Youth Committee. If there is anything else you would like us to do to help you, please suggest it.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.