Computers Go Resources

If you are a beginner please have a look at our Top Picks for Beginners which gives our initial recommendations for you.
With a computer, you can:
- play Go against it - we have got an interesting history page about computer Go and a page about the success of AlphaGo
- play through recorded games on it, and make records of games
- study joseki, life and death and other aspects of Go
- use it for preparing diagrams of Go games and positions
With internet access, you can:
- play Go against other people on a real-time Go server
- play Go by correspondance
- read Go-related pages of the World Wide Web
- read a newsgroup or forum about Go
- discuss Go by email
- download software from our catalogue - you can view our recent software reviews and earlier reviews
Technical Documents
- Configuring a browser to recognise SGF files: Jan van der Steen gives good explanation of how to do this configuration at
- Resources for programmers
Last updated Wed Apr 27 2022.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.