British Go Journal: Index

Index | 1 | A | B | Br | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

by Title/Keyword, 1-A

1-2 Point  L+D199710915
1-2 Point Tesuji  Tec19815218-
13 Stones - Is it Real Go?Macfadyen, Matthew*Gam19835816-
13x13 Championship 1978, Dutch -  T7819794415-
13x13 Game: see G13 in subject index      
13x13 Handicap System  Hcp1990795
19x19, Why -?Roads, Francis*Phi19711310-
2-1 Points, Strange Things Happen at the -Roads, Francis*L+D19732011
3-3 Point: see also San-san Joseki      
3-3 Point  Jos199811017
3-3 Point Joseki: see San-san Joseki      
3-3 Point, The -Cho Chikun Lit19928638
3-4 Point Joseki: see Komoku Joseki      
3-5 Point Joseki: see Mokuhazushi Joseki      
4-4 Point Joseki: see Hoshi Joseki      
4-5 Point Joseki: see Takamoku Joseki      
5-5 Point Joseki  Jos19835820-
9x9 Game: see G 9 in subject index      
9x9 Go is a Real GameRoads, Francis*T8519856622-
9x9 Go, Professional -. Part 1Hunter, Richard**T9019918214-
9x9 Go, Professional -. Part 2Hunter, Richard**T9019918320-
9x9 Go, Professional -. Part 3Hunter, Richard**T9119918431-
9x9 Go, Professional -. Part 4Hunter, Richard**T9119918521-
9x9 Go, Professional -. Part 5Hunter, Richard**T9119928626-
9x9 Go, Professional -. Part 6Hunter, Richard**T9119928711-
9x9 Handicap System  Hcp19856622
9x9 Tournament 1985, Roads' -  T8519856622-
9x9 Tournament 1985, Roads' -  T8519866714-
9x9 Tournament 1990, NHK TV -  T9019918214-
9x9 Tournament 1990, NHK TV -  T9019918320-
9x9 Tournament 1991, NHK TV -  T9119918431-
9x9 Tournament 1991, NHK TV -  T9119918521-
9x9 Tournament 1991, NHK TV -  T9119928626-
9x9 Tournament 1991, NHK TV -  T9119928711-
A.N.Other v. A.N.Other  GEv196706
A.N.Other v. A.N.Other  GEv196713-
A.N.Other v. A.N.Other  GEv1967218-
A.N.Other v. A.N.Other  GEv1968454-
A.N.Other v. A.N.Other  GEv196854-
A.N.Other v. A.N.Other  GEv196868-
A.N.Other v. A.N.Other  GEv1969913-
A.N.Other v. A.N.Other  GEv19752610
A.N.Other v. A.N.Other  GEv19804917-
A.N.Other v. A.N.Other  GEv19907924-
A.N.Other v. A.N.Other  GEv19928634-
A.N.Other v. A.N.Other  GEv19959915
A.N.Other v. A.N.Other  GH119794421
A.N.Other v. A.N.Other  GH41969814-
A.N.Other v. A.N.Other  GH6196873-
A.N.Other v. A.N.Other  GH71968455
A.N.Other v. A.N.Other  GH71968611-
A.N.Other v. A.N.Other  GH9196715
A.N.Other v. A.N.Other  GH9196715-
A.N.Other v. A.N.Other  GHX19835816-
Abano Terme (EGoC 1996)  T96199610426-
Abano Terme (EGoC 1996)  T96199610442-
Abano Terme (EGoC 1996)  T96199610455
Abano Terme (EGoC 1996)  T96199610546-
Abano Terme (EGoC 1996)Roads, Francis*T96199610421
Abe Yoshiteru v. Takemiya Masaki (Oteai 1977)  GEv1989755-
Abe Yumiko v. Inoue Naomi (NHK TV 9x9 Tournament 1990)  G 919918320-
Abe Yumiko v. Nakazawa Ayako (NHK TV 9x9 Tournament 1990)  G 919918214-
Aberdeen Club   Clb19856615
Aberdeen Club v. Edinburgh Club (Club Match 1984)  T841984629
Absolute GoMacfadyen, Matthew*Gam19928941-
Absolute Go. Part 2Macfadyen, Matthew*Gam19939142-
Absolute Go. Part 3Macfadyen, Matthew*Gam19939346-
Accident or Strategy?Wall, Alistair*Gam19939348-
Accomplishments, Chinese -  Phi19815321
Accounts 1967, BGA -   BGA1968444
Accounts 1968, BGA -   BGA196877
Accounts 1969, BGA -   BGA1970114
Accounts 1970, BGA -   BGA19711312
Accounts 1971, BGA -   BGA1972164-
Accounts 1974, BGA -   BGA19752810
Accounts 1975, BGA -   BGA1976323
Accounts 1989, BGA -  **BGA19897511-
Accounts of the BGA for 1969 *BGA1970114
Accounts, BGA - for 1970 *BGA19711312
Accounts, British Go Association - for 1967 *BGA1968444
Accounts, British Go Association - for 1968 *BGA196877
Achard, Phil v. Barnard, Paul (British Go Congress 1995)  GEv199610422-
Achard, Phil v. Holroyd, Fred (British Go Congress 1993)  GEv19939135
Acornsoft Computer Tournament 1984  T8419835916
Acornsoft Computer Tournament 1984  T8419846123-
Adams, Colin: see also author index      
Adams, Colin v. Barnard, Paul  GEv199510016-
Adelaide  Cit199710735-
Adie, George  PAm1980487
Advice from a Japanese Go Player to a Foreigner **Phi19742311
Africa: see South Africa &      
Aggression, Levels of -Hall, T. Mark *Str19949615
AGA-BGA Membership  BGA199710914
AGM: see also EGM       
AGM (1973) of the BGA, Report: -Roads, Francis*BGA1973203
AGM (1977), BGA - SummaryManning, Toby *BGA19773818
AGM (1978), BGA: - Report *BGA19784113
AGM (1978), BGA: Notice of - *BGA19784022
AGM (1979) ReportMacfadyen, Matthew*BGA1979457-
AGM (1979): Agenda *BGA19794423
AGM (1981) ReportMacfadyen, Matthew*BGA19815320
AGM (1981), Agenda for the -Macfadyen, Matthew*BGA1981524
AGM (1982)Macfadyen, Matthew*BGA19825513
AGM (1982)Tobin, Norman *BGA19825616
AGM (1987), EGF - GrenobleHall, T. Mark **EGF1987718
AGM (1988), EGF: -Atkins, Tony**EGF19887229-
AGM (1991)Atkins, Tony*BGA1991834
AGM (1998), EGF -Bailey, Steve **EGF19981127
AGM 1967, EGF -  EGF1967216
AGM 1968, BGA -  BGA196853
AGM 1968, BGA -  BGA196877-
AGM 1968, EGF -  EGF196862
AGM 1969, BGA -  BGA196983
AGM 1970, BGA -  BGA1970113
AGM 1970, BGA -  BGA1970124
AGM 1971, BGA -  BGA1971133
AGM 1971, BGA -  BGA1971144-
AGM 1972, BGA -  BGA1972176-
AGM 1973, BGA -  BGA19731912
AGM 1973, BGA -  BGA1973203
AGM 1974, BGA -  BGA1974246
AGM 1975, BGA -  BGA19752811
AGM 1975, EGF -  EGF1975303
AGM 1976, BGA -  BGA1976313
AGM 1976, BGA -  BGA19763313
AGM 1976, Notes of the - of the British Go AssociationManning, Toby *BGA19763313
AGM 1977, BGA -  BGA19773818
AGM 1978, BGA -  BGA19784022
AGM 1978, BGA -  BGA19784113
AGM 1978, EGF -  EGF1978436
AGM 1979, BGA -  BGA19794423
AGM 1979, BGA -  BGA1979457-
AGM 1980, BGA -  BGA1980484-
AGM 1981, BGA -  BGA1981524
AGM 1981, BGA -  BGA19815320
AGM 1982, BGA -  BGA19825513
AGM 1982, BGA -  BGA19825616
AGM 1983, BGA -  BGA19835914-
AGM 1985, BGA -  BGA19856416
AGM 1985, BGA -  BGA1985653-
AGM 1986, BGA -  BGA19866716
AGM 1986, EGF -  EGF19866818
AGM 1987, BGA -  BGA1987702
AGM 1987, President's Report - -Tobin, Norman **BGA1987702
AGM 1988, BGA -  BGA1988727
AGM 1989, BGA -  BGA1989745
AGM 1989, BGA -  BGA19897531
AGM 1992, BGA -  BGA19928744
AGM 1993, BGA -  BGA19939148
AGM 1994, BGA -  BGA19949537
AGM 1995, BGA -  BGA19959940-
AGM 1995, BGA -  BGA19959956
AGM 1995, EGF -  EGF199510045
AGM 1997, BGA -  BGA199710744
AGM 1998, BGA -  BGA199811140
AGM 1998, EGF -  EGF199811235
AgoNYHall, T. Mark *Jos19939245
Agony ... *Jos19794521-
Aguilar, Fernando v. Macfadyen, M. (World Amateur Ch'ship 1982)  GEv1982568-
AIDS  Hum19876916
Aihara Kaseki v. Satonoshi (1710)  GH119939238-
Aji, Bad - **Tec1980494-
Aji, Bad - Problem **Yos19805018-
Aji-keshi  Str199610416-
Akaboshi Intetsu v. Jowa (1835)  GH11995984-
Alfenaar, Andre v. Keeble, David (London Open 1993/94)  GEv19949518-
All About Life and DeathCho Chikun Lit19939320
All China Championship 1978  T7819794621
All Japan First Place Tournament 1972  T7219887319-
All Japan First Place Tournament 1975  T75199710647-
All Over by Move 17Hall, T. Mark*Gam19959915
Allday, Baron v. Keeble, David  GEv19949638-
Allday, Baron v. Wedd, Nick (Shrewsbury Tournament 1992)  GEv19939020-
Allen, Go Biography of John - *PAm19742513-
Allen, John: see also author index      
Almanac: see also Handbook      
Almanac, The Go Player's -Bozulich, Richard Lit19928825
Almanac, The Go Player's -Bozulich, Richard Lit19928921
Almanac, The Go Player's -Bozulich, Richard Lit1993909-
Almanac, The Go Player's -Sutton, David**Lit19928931
Alsager (British Go Congress 1975)  T751975287-
Altena v. WrightWright, Chris et al**Gam19897734-
Altena, Karel v. Wright, Chris (EGoC 1989)  GEv19897734-
Alvensleben von, Wichard v. Sato Kaoru (1964)  GH41968515-
Amateur: see PAm in subject index      
America, North -: see Canada, USA      
American ...: see North American ..., US ...      
American DrawsRoads, Francis**TSy199610219
American Go Association: see AGA      
American Grade School Children, Cognitive, ... Deficits in -Bradley, Milton N.**Tch199811037-
Amsterdam (1976), British Success in -Daly, Andrew*T761976339
Amsterdam (1977), Spring in -Thompson, Bob*T7719773713
Amsterdam (European Fujitsu Qualifying Tournament 1989)  T8919897439
Amsterdam (European Ing Cup 1991)  T9119918340
Amsterdam (European Ing Cup 1993)  T9319939149
Amsterdam (Obayashi Cup 1992)  T9219928837
Amsterdam (Obayashi Cup 1993)  T9319949449
Amsterdam (Obayashi Cup 1994)  T9419949747
Amsterdam (Obayashi Cup 1994)  T9419959843
Amsterdam (Obayashi Cup 1995)  T95199510155
Amsterdam (Obayashi Cup 1997)  T97199710949
Amsterdam (Tournament 1981)Macfadyen, Matthew*T8119815314-
Amsterdam (Tournament 1982)Macfadyen, M. et al*T8219825622-
Amsterdam (Tournament) 1974Tilley, John*T7419742515
Amsterdam Go Congress: see also Amsterdam Tournament      
Amsterdam Go Congress 1976, Game from -Macfadyen, Matthew*Gam1976334-
Amsterdam Tournament (1980) *T8019804910-
Amsterdam Tournament 1975  T7519752813
Amsterdam Tournament 1976  T761976334-
Amsterdam Tournament 1976  T761976339
Amsterdam Tournament 1977  T7719773713
Amsterdam Tournament 1978  T7819784123
Amsterdam Tournament 1979  T7919794514
Amsterdam Tournament 1979  T7919794610-
Amsterdam Tournament 1983  T8319835910-
Amsterdam Tournament 1983  T8319835914
Amsterdam Tournament 1984  T8419846210
Amsterdam Tournament 1990  T9019908038
Amsterdam Tournament 1991  T9119918445
Amsterdam Tournament 1992  T9219928838
Amsterdam Tournament 1993  T9319939260-
Amsterdam Tournament 1994  T9419949641
Amsterdam Tournament 1995  T95199510061
Amsterdam Tournament 1996  T96199610455
Amsterdam Tournament 1997  T97199710853
Analysis: see also Anl in subject index      
Analysis Service, BGA -Hall, T. Mark**Anl19959938
Analyzing Ko Struggles TheoreticallyTavernier, Karel**Anl199811012-
Ancient GameMitchell, David*Gam19794421
Anderson, Greg: see author index      
Anglo ...: see also British ..., English ..., National ...      
Anglo-Chinese Match (1992)Lee, Harold**T9219928649
Anglo-Chinese-Japanese Match 1992  T9219928837
Anglo-Dutch Discussions  BGA19784210
Anglo-Japanese Friendship Tournament (1989)Barthropp, Stuart**T8919907812
Anglo-Japanese Match (1988) **T8819897410
Anglo-Japanese Match (1989) **T8919897611
Anglo-Japanese Match (1990)Jones, Alison**T9019908114-
Anglo-Japanese Match 1972  T721972174
Anglo-Japanese Match 1980  T8019815119
Anglo-Japanese Match 1983  T8319846115
Anglo-Japanese Match 1990  T9019908137-
Anglo-Japanese Match 1990  T9019918238
Anglo-Japanese Match 1991  T9119918445
Anglo-Japanese Match 1991  T9119928652-
Anglo-Japanese Match 1994  T9419949536
Anglo-Japanese Match 1994  T9419949747
Anglo-Japanese Match 1994  T9419959843
Anglo-Japanese Match 1995  T95199510155
Anglo-Japanese Match 1997  T97199811051
Anglo-Korean Friendship Go Match (1996) **T96199610441
Anglo-Korean Match 1997  T97199710742
Anglo-USA Telephone Match (1978)Pirani, Adam et al**T7819784214-
Anglo-USSR Telephone Match (1978)Cross, Alison**T781978418-
Anjin Kai Japanese Festival 1992  Pub19928946
Anjin Kai Japanese Festival 1993  Pub19939260
Anniversary, A Double -Tilley, John*PPr19752711-
Annual General Meeting: see also AGM      
Annual General Meeting (1970), BGA - *BGA1970124
Annual General Meeting (1970), Notice of the - *BGA1970113
Annual General Meeting (1971) *BGA1971144-
Annual General Meeting (1976), BGA - *BGA1976313
Annual General Meeting (1985) *BGA1985653-
Annual General Meeting 1969 *BGA196983
Annual General Meeting 1971 *BGA1971133
Annual General Meeting 1974 *BGA1974246
Annual General Meeting 1975, British Go Association - *BGA19752811
AnomaliesHall, T. Mark*L+D19877014
Anomalous Situations *Rul19701112-
Ansafone, BGA -  Inf19763218
Ansell, Jeff: see also author index      
Ansell, Jeff (obit)  PAm19856516
Aoki Kikuyo v. Mimura T. (NHK TV 9x9 Tourn. 1991, Game 1)  G 919918521-
Aoki Kikuyo v. Mimura T. (NHK TV 9x9 Tourn. 1991, Game 2)  G 919928626-
Aoki Kikuyo v. Mimura T. (NHK TV 9x9 Tourn. 1991, Game 3)  G 919928711-
Aoki Shimpei: see author index      
Approach, Knight's Move -: see Keima Kakari      
Archives, Go - - Living or Dead?Rapley, Keith*Inf19784212
Archivist, BGA -  Inf19784112
Archivist, BGA - **Inf1976327
Armies, Why I Like -Roads, Francis*Tch19773611
Art of Coarse Go, The - **Hum19825719
Art of Coarse Tournament Go, The - **Hum19835913
Art of Connecting Stones, The -Wu Piao et al Lit19971088
Arts: see Art in subject index      
Artus v. HorricksBarty, Jim**Gam19784317-
Artus, Dave v. Horricks, T. (Ipswich Teach-in 1978)  GEv19784317-
Asahi London Open 1991-1992Ward, David**T9219928630-
Asahi Shimbun Tournament 1989  T891989754
Asahi Shimbun Tournament 1989  T891989776-
Asahi Shimbun Tournament 1989  T8919897714
Asahi Shimbun Tournament 1989  T8919897742
Asahi Tournament (1989) Round 4Hall, T. Mark*Gam19897738-
Ashiba Katsumi  PPr19753020
Ashiba Katsumi v. Macfadyen, Matthew  GH419763114-
Ashman, Lucy v. Dawson, Chris (Furze Platt Go Party 1987)  G 919877118
Asia: see Brunei, China, India, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan      
Assets and LiabilitiesWedd, Nick*Anl19949735-
Association, Go -: see Ass in subject index      
Astashkin v. HasibederAstashkin, Valeri et al**Gam19784218-
Astashkin, Valeri: see also author index      
Astashkin, Valeri v. Hasibeder, Helmut (EGoC 1977)  GEv19784218-
Atari  Tec199610416-
Atari Go: see Capture Go, Capturing Game      
Atari, Pre- -  Tec19815423-
Atherton, John: see author index      
Atkins, Tony: see also author index      
Atkins, Tony v. Mills, Gerry (Leicester Tournament 1988)  GEv19887316-
Atkins, Tony v. Smithers, Eddie (Cheshire Tournament 1984)  GEv19846221-
Atomic Bomb Game  Gam1994957
Atomic Bomb Game  T4519804721
Attach-and-Extend Joseki: see Tsuke-nobi Joseki      
Attach-Extend Mysteries: see also Tsuke-nobi Joseki      
Attach-Extend Mysteries. Part 1Matthews, Charles*Jos199710825-
Attach-Extend Mysteries. Part 2Matthews, Charles*Jos199710928-
Attach-Extend Mysteries. Part 3Matthews, Charles*Jos19981104-
Attachment: see Contact Move      
Attack and DefenseIshida Akira et al Lit19804822-
Attack And Kill, Kato's -Kato Masao Lit19908027
Atwell, Simon: see author index      
Auckland  Cit199710941-
Auckland Championship 1976  T7619773519
Auckland Go Club NewsMilne, David*Clb1976328
Auckland Go Congress 1975  T751976343-
Auckland Go Congress 1975, Game from the -Castledine, Brian*Gam1976343-
Auction Komi  TCd19918217-
Auction Komi  TCd1991838
Austin, Leo: see author index      
Australasia, Francis in -Roads, Francis**Cou199710941-
Australasia, Francis in -Roads, Francis**Cou199811025-
Australasia, Francis in -Roads, Francis**Cou199811131-
Australasia, Francis in -. Part 1Roads, Francis**Cou199710629-
Australasia, Francis in -. Part 2Roads, Francis**Cou199710735-
Australasia, Francis in -. Part 3Roads, Francis**Cou199710838-
Australia: see also Adelaide, Canberra, Cronulla, Kalgoorlie, Leura, Perth, Sydney, Tuncurry      
Australia, A Game from -Roads, Francis*Gam1993916-
Australia, Letter from -Roads, Francis*Cou19928923
Austria: see Krems, Linz, Vienna      
Austrian Team Championship 1968  T68196872
Avalanche Joseki: see Nadare Joseki      
Average Result  Anl19825620-
Awaji Shuzo v. Hashimoto Shoji (Gosei Tournament 1984)  GEv19939142-
Awaji Shuzo v. Kobayashi Koichi (Meijin Title 1989, Game 1)  GEv1989777-
Last updated Wed May 03 2017.
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