British Go Journal: Index

By Title/Keyword:
1 | A | B | Br | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

By Author:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

By category:
[none] | Anl | Art | Ass | Beh | BGA | Cit | Clb | CNp | CNw | Com | Cou | Cpl | EGF | Equ | Fus | G 9 | G13 | Gam | Gev (A-Mac) | Gev (Mac-Z) | GH1 | GH2 | GH3 | GH4 | GH5 | GH6 | GH7 | GH8 | GH9 | GHX | GRg | GVr | HCp | Hum | Inf | Jos | L+D | Lan | Lit | Mid | OGm | OHs | PAm | Phi | PHs | PIn | Ply | PPr | Prm | Psy | Pub | Rat | Rul | Str | T41 | T43 | T45 | T46 | T48 | T52 | T61 | T62 | T63 | T64 | T65 | T66 | T67 | T68 | T69 | T70 | T71 | T72 | T73 | T74 | T75 | T76 | T77 | T78 | T79 | T80 | T81 | T82 | T83 | T84 | T85 | T86 | T87 | T88 | T89 | T90 | T91 | T92 | T93 | T94 | T95 | T96 | T97 | T98 | Tal | TAw | TCd | Tch | Tec | THs | Tou | TSy | Var | Yos

By Date:
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112

This index was created by Jochen Fassbender


The British Go Journal Index (BGJI) intends to facilitate the process of information retrieval from the journal. While the BGJ tables of contents only show the headlines of each issue, searching in the BGJI is far more comprehensive and efficient, since it contains original titles of articles as well as other important keywords. Thus, the BGJI instantly helps readers to spot even the most specific information. Note also that original titles cited in the BGJI may differ from those given in the BGJ tables of contents which are not included in each issue. The BGJI consists of four sub-indexes: the title/keyword index, the subject index, the author index, and the chronological index.

Index version

The first edition of the BGJI was published as a printed version as well as on disk in 1995. The present index version is only available on disk (files are Winword and simple text format) and refers to 113 issues (1967 to 1998) with a total of 3530 pages. Altogether there are nearly 6500 references (among them are approximately 1400 entries referring to an original title of an article) as well as about 700 cross-references. However, the number of entries referring to the same item is quite high due to permutations, synonyms, and repetition. The BGJI refers to about 620 individuals, more than 1000 events, and about 580 games. Extensive proof-reading and checking for consistency have been made. BGJ errata have been corrected in the BGJI. Please write to the BGA if you find any more errata or if you have any suggestion.

Basic explanations

Each entry in the four BGJI sub-indexes consists of seven categories: entry type, title and keywords, author/game commentator, subject, publication year, issue number, and pages. The order of these categories may vary, e.g. the author category is the first one in the author index. There is only one entry per line, thus one entry is equivalent to one reference.

Basic elements to be mentioned:

  • An asterisk (*) indicates an original title entry.
  • A double asterisk (**) indicates an original title entry given more than once because of permutation.
  • A dash () indicates a permutation entry which also consists of a comma after its leading part.
  • Brackets ( ) show either year, game, tournament, or name specifications.
  • A hyphen (-) after a page number means more than one page.

The title/keyword index

The title/keyword index is sorted on title and keyword entries. It is the main file for searching and browsing within the title/keyword category. There are cross-references (either 'see' or 'see also') in case of related terms, English/foreign technical terms, abbreviations, synonyms, closely related articles (with different titles), and narrower terms (to a certain extent). In addition, there are cross-references to the subject index concerning general topics, and to the author index concerning individuals. Note that all these cross-references are only included in the alphabetical index, thus it is strongly recommended to begin a searching session with this sub-index.

Title/keyword conventions:

  • Apart from original title entries the word 'Go' is often ignored (e.g. 'Club' instead of 'Go Club' or 'Tournament' instead of 'Go Tournament' but 'Go Congress' is an exception). 'Go' (or any synonym) is only a keyword when there are no other important ones.
  • Only important keywords are a leading part of a permutation entry unless the entry contains no important keywords.
  • Most general topics, such as 'Club', 'Player', 'Tournament', 'Game' or 'Literature', are more comprehensively treated as one of the subjects in the subject index, i.e. they are given as cross-references to the subjext index.
  • Subtitles are usually not part of an original title entry. Important subtitle keywords are given separately.
  • Individuals are included as an entry in context of a game, profile, biography, opinion, interview, tour, visit, election or obituary (the latter is indicated by '(obit)' after the respective individual's name unless otherwise clear). Simple mention of names (e.g. tournament organisers, participants and winners) are not included. Pseudonyms of Internet Go Server players are included. Authors are given as cross-references to the author index.
  • A game always has two entries if both players' names are mentioned (otherwise only one 'v. A.N.Other'). There are also two entries in case of many events (e.g. a Go Congress) which are given with their geographical venue as well.
  • As for the spelling of oriental names and terms The Go Player's Almanac from Ishi Press is the standard reference. Oriental names are given with the family name first and without a comma. Note, however, that transliteration of Chinese and Korean names might be inconsistent. In some cases family and first name of orientals might have been confused. Technical terms might be given in English and/or Japanese (there is a cross-reference in case of both).
  • Numerical values are given as a word (e.g. 'Four-Stone Game' or 'Nine-Dan') with the exception of board dimensions (e.g. '9x9 Go').
  • Within original title entries years are put behind the name of the event (e.g. 'British Go Congress 1991' instead of '1991 British Go Congress'). Years in brackets have been added to those original title entries without a year mentioned; they tend to change the chronological order because brackets are sorted ahead of numbers. Tournament years may differ +/- 1, i.e. a tournament year does not always show the actual year.
  • Title or keyword entries in italics show book/journal titles or product/company names (note that there are no italics in TXT files and HTML files).
  • Tables of contents, BGA officials, tournament calendars, glossaries, club lists, advertisements, etc. are not included in the index. Photos have not been indexed.

The subject index

This sub-index allows a systematic approach, i.e. the selection of common main subjects (more than 50 different subjects are available, see below). Among subjects the subject index is alphabetically sorted on title and keyword entries. There is a small number of entries without a subject at the very beginning of this sub-index.

Subject survey

AnlAnalysis (e.g. counting, reading)
BehBehaviour (e.g. etiquette)
BGABritish Go Association
CNpComputer - Non-playing Program (e.g. teaching, recording)
CNwComputer - Network
ComComputer (in general)
CPlComputer - Playing Program
EGFEuropean Go Federation
G 99x9 Game
G1313x13 Game
GamGame (articles with games)
GEvEven Game
GH?Handicap x Game (GH1 = no komi or reverse komi, GHX = more than 9 stones)
GRgRengo Game
GVrVariant Game
HcpHandicap Strategy + Systems
HumHumour + Entertainment
InfInformation Aspects
L+DLife and Death
MidMiddle Game
OGmOther Games
OHsHistorical Organisation (before 20th century)
PAmAmateur Player
PHsHistorical Player (before 20th century)
PInInsei Player
PlyPlayer (in general)
PPrProfessional Player
PrmPromoting (e.g. trusts, sponsorships)
RatRating + Ranks
StrStrategic Aspects (e.g. thickness, moyo, territory, invasion, reduction)
T??Tournament in 19??
TalTales, Legends, etc.
TAwTournament Awards
TCdTournament Conditions (e.g. time limits)
TchTeaching (e.g. studying, teach-ins)
TecTechnique + Shape (e.g. cut, hane, ko, ladder, peep)
THsHistorical Tournament (before 20th century)
TSyTournament System (e.g. McMahon)
VarGo Variants

The author index

This is the only sub-index which covers authors completely. The other sub-indexes only show the first author mentioned in case of co-authored entries which are indicated by 'et al', or a BGJ author in favour of non-BGJ authors. However, the author index only consists of entries with authors, i.e. a large number of original title entries are not included due to the fact that authors are not always mentioned in the BGJ. Apart from authors this sub-index does include game commentators who in most cases can be identified if the respective subject is 'Gam'. Other kinds of BGJ contributors, such as translators, game recorders, photographers, are not included. Pseudonyms of books are included. Author entries in italics are non-BGJ authors/editors of books, articles, or software reviewed or in some other context mentioned in the BGJ (note that there are no italics in TXT files). In case of book or software reviews, the reviewer is given as the BGJ author, while the entry is also to be found under its non-BGJ author/editor. Organisations are included as non -BGJ editors. However, Go associations' main publications with obvious titles (e.g. the BGA's BGJ) are not being referred to.

The chronological index

This sub-index is sorted on issues. It mainly serves as an input file for new BGJ issues as well as a basic source from which to create other sub-indexes. It may also help to give a survey of contents of a specific BGJ issue but is otherwise not recommended for searching.

BGJ publication survey

The BGJ has been published as a quarterly in most years.
issue numberpublication datepages/issueissues/yearpages/year
0Spring 676448
1Summer 6714
2Autumn 6714
3Winter 6714
4March 6814454
5June 6816
6Autumn 6812
7Winter 6812
8Spring 6916348
9October 6916
10December 6916
11March 7016232
12August 7016
13April 7116348
14June 7116
15Autumn 7116
16March 7216348
17June 7216
18October 7216
19January 7316348
20July 7316
21September 7316
22January 7416464
23April 7416
24July 7416
25October 7416
26January 7516588
27April 7516
28July 7516
29October 7520
30December 7520
31March 7620480
32May 7620
33August 7620
34November 7620
35February 7720480
36May 7720
37July 7720
38October 7720
39January 78205112
40February 7824
41May 7824
42August 7824
43October 7820
44February 7924372
45May 7924
46September 7924
47January 80284100
48May 8024
49July 8024
50November 8024
51January 81244104
52March 8124
53June 8128
54October 8128
55March 8228384
56June 8228
57December 8228
58April 8328384
59June 8328
60September 8328
61March 8428392
62July 8432
63November 8432
64March 8532396
65July 8532
66November 8532
67April 8632264
68October 8632
69Spring 87323108
70Summer 8736
71Winter 87-8840
72Autumn 8832264
73Winter 8832
74Spring 89404148
75Summer 8932
76Autumn 8932
77Winter 8944
78Spring 90324152
79Summer 9040
80Autumn 9040
81Winter 9040
82Spring 91404172
83Summer 9144
84Autumn 9148
85Winter 9140
86Spring 92564192
87Summer 9248
88Autumn 9240
89Winter 9248
90Spring 93604236
91Summer 9352
92Autumn 9364
93Winter 9360
94Spring 94524188
95Summer 9440
96Autumn 9444
97Winter 9452
98Spring 95484232
99Summer 9560
100Autumn 9564
101Winter 9560
102Spring 96484208
103Summer 9648
104Autumn 9660
105Winter 9652
106Spring 97644220
107Summer 9748
108Autumn 9756
109Winter 9752
110Spring 9856 4 
111Summer 9844
112Autumn 9864

See also the downloadable .DOC version of this BGJ index.
Last updated Wed May 03 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.