Archive: Past Go Events in the UK 2024

2025 events 2023 events


London Youth London Youth ** Cancelled **



Saturday 3rd February. Lancaster University, Bailrigg, Lancaster LA1 4YW.
3-round McMahon tournament. Fisher time 40 minutes + 10 seconds. AGA rules.
Registration closes at 10:30 and prize giving expected by 18:30. For more information see the links below or contact Marco Praderio at PraderioM at Gmail dot com or Florian Pein at f dot pein at lancaster dot ac dot uk.
B Full Info Entry Form Entries list

Mind Sports Olympiad Grand Prix 19x19

Saturday 17th February. Online on PlayStrategy. Morning from 09:00 and afternoon. "MSO premier" event.
More Info

Ulster Open

Saturday 17th February. Lisburn Chess Club, 60-62 Longstone Street, Lisburn. BT28 1TR 3 round McMahon tournament. 45 minutes with 3x30s byoyomi. Registration 09:45 - 10:15. Prizes about 18:15. Contact tiberiu DOT gociu AT gmail DOT com
B More Info


Saturday 24th February. West Oxford Community Centre, Botley Road, Oxford OX2 0BT
3-round McMahon tournament. Fisher time 40 minutes + 10 seconds. AGA rules. Registration from 09:30 - 10:00 and prize giving expected by 17:30.
Hoyles of Oxford (webpage) will be at the venue selling Go books and sets at a 15% discount & more.
Contact oxfordgotournament24 at gmail dot com
B Full Info Entry Form Entries list
NOTE: entries limited to 60 people.

Mind Sports Olympiad Grand Prix 13x13

Sunday 25th February. Online on PlayStrategy. Afternoon (from 14:00).
More Info


Cheshire (Frodsham)

Saturday 2nd March. Frodsham Community Centre, Fluin Lane, Frodsham, Cheshire, WA6 7QN. 3-round McMahon for all players. Fischer Time 30 mins with 10 secs per move. Registration by 10:30. Prize-giving by 18:30. Contact Pat Ridley cheshire at
B More Info Entry Form Entries list


Saturday 9th March Warwick University, Coventry, Faculty of Arts building, room 3.33, 3.32
3-round McMahon tournament. Fischer time 45 minutes + 10 seconds. Registration from 9:00 - 10:00, tournament end expected to be around 17:00.
Entry fee £5, plus £5 if not a BGA member. Cash on the day (there is an ATM very close).
For more information contact Yao Xiheng on yaoxiheng at
NOTE: entries limited to 30 people.
B Entry Form Entries list

Mind Sports Olympiad Grand Prix 9x9

Sunday 10th March. Online on PlayStrategy. Afternoon (from 14:00).
More Info

Cambridge Trigantius

Saturday 16th March. St Philip's Church Centre, 185 Mill Road, Cambridge CB1 3AN. 3 round McMahon, Fischer Time, 45 minutes basic + 15 seconds per move bonus. Registration 09:30 to 10:00, first round 10:15, prize giving 19:00. If you wish, you can pay your Entry fee by card. If needed, there is an ATM outside the Co-op next to the church.
NOTE: As in previous years, there will be a self pairing side event for children in the front cafe area of St Philip's. For more information contact Paul Smith (paul361smith at gmail dot com). If you plan to participate, please leave a comment in the entry form as you enter the main tournament.
A Full Info Entry Form Entries list

European Youth Go Championship

Thursday 21st - Saturday 23rd March. Hamburg
Here is more information


British Go Congress

Friday 5th - Sunday 7th April.
The Holiday Inn, Kenilworth, Warwick CV8 1ED.

British Lightning Championship on the Friday evening. British Open Championship Sat/Sun. The Open will be a 6 round McMahon event.

For questions or to amend your entry please contact secretary @

Please be aware there is a train strike this weekend which may affect your travel. I have been informed there are no trains to Kenilworth on Friday, and a reduced service from London to Coventry. However Chiltern Railways appear to have a full service from London to Leamington Spa, from where there is a bus to Kenilworth. Please do your own research - the above is based solely on what I have been told. If this changes your plans please let me know on secretary at
** At least one prize for every entrant ** I am pleased to say that thanks to our sponsors, who have donated prizes worth in excess of £1,000, there will be at least one award for every player. Our sponsors, in alphabetical order, are:
AI Sensei
SmartGo Books
A Full Info Entry Form Entries list

Rip-Off Tournament, Dublin

Saturday 13th April. The Teacher’s Club, 36 Parnell Square West, Dublin 1 3 round McMahon tournament. 45 minutes with 5x30s byoyomi. Registration 11:00-11:30. Prizes about 19:00. Contact dublin at
B More Info/Entry


Candidates' Tournament

Saturday 4th - Monday 6th May
Leicester County Bridge Club, St. Oswalds Road, Leicester, LE 3 6RJ. This will follow the format and rules laid down for the British Championship Championship Rules. Please note especially the qualification and eligibility rules.

Here is the list of those players who have qualified for the 2024 Candidates Qualifiers. This list does not reflect the eligibility of the players in question. If you believe you have qualified but are not on this list please contact tournaments-chair at

Fuller information, including details of the significant cash prizes available (due to private sponsorship) can be found in the information document.

A Full Info Entry Form Entries list


Thursday 23rd May 20:00 on Zoom.

Not the London Open

Saturday 25th - Monday 27th May
London Go Centre, 21 Dalling Rd, W6 0JD. 6 round MacMahon with the professional in residence being Stanislaw Frejlak. Side events of Lightning Go and lectures will be available. A Full Info/Entry Details



Saturday 1st - Sunday 2nd June Elvet Hill House, Durham (beside the Oriental Museum). 6-round McMahon tournament. Entries welcomed for single days or both days. Players are welcome to miss any round(s), without detriment to prize-allocation. Free refreshments. Small board and lightning side events. Contact Andrew Ambrose-Thurman tournament AT durhamgo DOT club B More details Entry Form

Pair Go

Saturday 8th June. Leicester County Bridge Club, St. Oswalds Road, Leicester, LE 3 6RJ. Tournament for teams of one male and one female; play alternately; no conferring. British championship and handicap sections. Registration by 11:00. Prize-giving by 17:15. Contact Pat Ridley More Info/Entry More about PairGo


Sunday 23rd June. Barton Science Centre at Tonbridge School, Kent. Directions and map: Map Details A new tournament targeted mainly at kyu level players, but all are welcome. 4 round MacMahon, 35 minutes main time, 30 stones in 5 minutes Canadian overtime. Registration 9:30 - 10:15. Prize giving around 17:30. Entry fee: £10 before June 1st (£5 concessions), £15 after June 1st (£7 concessions). No fee if it is your first rated tournament. £2.50 surcharge if not a BGA member. Contact John Shafer ' jds at ' C Entry Form Entries

30th Welsh Open

Saturday 29th - Sunday 30th June. Dragon Theatre, Jubilee Road, Barmouth, LL42 1EF. 6-round McMahon tournament. Entries welcomed for single days or both days. Players are welcome to miss any round(s), without detriment to prize-allocation. Free coffee, tea & biscuits. Contact Helen and Martin Harvey harveymartin939 AT gmail DOT com B More Details Entry Form Entries list


European Go Congress, Toulouse, France

Friday 26th July - Saturday 10th August. More Info


Youth Camp

Wednesday 14th - Saturday 17th August. Caythorpe, Lincolnshire. More Info Entry Form

Mind Sports Olympiad

Sunday 18th - Monday 26th August. JW3, 341-351 Finchley Road, London NW3 6ET. This is a modern Jewish Community Centre - please note food and knives etc may not be brought on site. No events Saturday 26th. Competition for medals. Details of Go events below. More Info

MSO Small Board

Sunday 25th August. 18:45. 5- or 4-round Swiss. 13x13 games. 20 mins. Entry fee £12. Enter

MSO Open

Monday 26th August. 10:00 to 18:00. 4-round McMahon. 40 mins + 30 in 5 overtime. Prize money for first place £30. Entry fee £20. Enter B

Newcastle ** New Tournament **

Saturday 31st August - Sunday 1st September Urban Sciences Building, Newcastle University, NE4 5TG (roughly a 10-minute walk from Newcastle Central station). 5-round McMahon. 30 mins + 10 seconds Fischer time. Entry fee £10 BGA members and concessions, £20 otherwise.
Friday 30th: meeting from 6pm in pub The Town Wall, NE1 5XH for casual Go, food (served until 7pm) and drinks.
Saturday 31st: Registration 9:30–10:00. 3 rounds ending at 17:15. Chinatown restaurant in the evening for those interested.
Sunday 1st: 2 rounds starting at 10:00. Prize giving at 15:15.
Enter Entries B Queries to Tom Coulthard on tomcoulthard at



Saturday 7th September. Lady Bay Church Hall, Pierrepoint Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 5BP. 3-round McMahon Tournament. Fischer time 30 mins + 10 sec. The 2023 British Champion - Ho Yeung Woo – will be offering post-match reviews and presentations throughout the day. Registration by 09:45. Prize giving by 18:00. Contact Brent Cutts brent.cutts63 at
Entry form Entries More Info B


Saturday 14th September. St Columba's by the Castle Episcopal Church Hall, 14 Johnston Terrace, Edinburgh, EH1 2PW. 3-round McMahon Tournament. Fischer time 40 mins + 10 sec. Cost: £15 for BGA / £20 Non-BGA Members. Concession: £5 saving. Registration from 9:30 to 09:45. Prizegiving approximately 17:30. Contact edinburghgoclub at B More Info Entry Form

British Championship Title Match

Saturday 14th–Sunday 15th September. Games 1 and 2 in the best of 3 title match will be held at a private address in Nottingham, starting at 11:00 each day with a sealed move for lunch between 12:30–13:30. Time controls 100 minutes + 45 seconds per move Fischer time controls. The two contenders are Ho-Yeung (Damen) Woo and Yaoling Yang. The match will be broadcast on KGS (look for the game in the British Room) and on OGS: LINK TO GAME 1 and LINK TO GAME 2.

Confucius Cup

Friday 20th–Sunday 22nd September. Confucius Institute, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland. Irish Rapid tournament on Friday night, Confucius Cup (Irish Open) on Saturday and Sunday. 5-round McMahon tournament. Time controls 60 minutes + 5 x 30s byoyomi. Top prizes — €1000 Confucius Cup, €100 Rapid. Bonus Point Level C tournament for the EGF Grand Prix. Light refreshments and buffet dinner (Saturday night) included. A More Info Entry Form


Saturday 28th September. Swindon Conservative Club, 20 Bath Road, Swindon, SN1 4BA. 3-round McMahon Tournament. 45 minutes + 15 seconds Fischer time. Cost: £10 -£2 concession +£5 non-BGA. Registration by 10:00. Prize giving 18:15. A More Info Entry Form Entries to Date

Japan Fest Buxton

Sunday 29th September, 11:00-17:00. Buxton Pavilion Gardens, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 6BE. Japanese festival run by Otaku World Ltd, with Go demonstration stand run by Helen and Martin Harvey - more volunteers appreciated; contact


Sheffield (Greenhill Library)

Sunday 13th October. Greenhill Library, 160 Hemper Lane, Sheffield S8 7FE. 3-round McMahon tournament. 40 minutes per round plus 10 seconds per move Fischer time. Entry fee £10 for BGA members and concessions, £12 otherwise. Approximate schedule:
Registration 9:30–10:00
Round 1 10:15
Round 2 13:30
Round 3 15:30
Prize-giving 17:30
Contact David Wildgoose dbwildgoose at Entry Form Entries to Date B

British Small Board / UK Go Challenge Finals

Sunday 20th October. Storey's Field Centre, Eddington Avenue, Cambridge CB3 1AA. Arrive by 10:00, prize giving 16:15. Format: 13x13 tournament open to all ages and grades including novices. Stronger players compete for the British Small Board title by double elimination; others play handicap games. All juniors will also be competing for age-band titles for boys and for girls in the 2024 UK Go Challenge Finals; use the same entry form and make sure you put your date of birth. This is an event to celebrate 30 years of Youth Go in Cambridge. There will be lots of cakes, prizes (including cash prizes and some Go-themed posters, cards and books) and even a Go-playing robot! Novice players can play on 9x9 and without clocks.
More Info Entry Form Entries to Date


Sunday 27th October. St Marks Community Centre, St Marks Rd, Bath BA2 4PA.
PLEASE BE AWARE: Parking nearby is extremely limited, we recommend you plan ahead or arrive by train if you can.
A three round McMahon tournament. 30 minutes per round plus 10 seconds per move Fischer time. Prizes for the best performances. Entry Fees as on the entry form (cash or card on the day).
Due to logistics numbers are limited to the first 50 entries.
Tea, coffee, soft drinks and unhealthy buns will be available.
Registration 9:30–10:15
Round 1 10:30
Round 2 13:15
Round 3 15:15
Prizes 17:15
Hall must be tidied and cleared by 18:00
Entry Form Entries to Date B
Any questions contact colin_williams at


Bar Low Tournament

Saturday 2nd November. London Go Centre, Dalling Road, Hammersmith, W6 0JD. 5 round McMahon tournament for kyu players only (rating LE 2000). 25 minutes with 20 in 5 overtime. Lecture at 18:00. Registration 09:00 to 09:45. Prizes at 18:30. Contact londongocentre at C More Info

Three Peaks

Saturday 2nd–Sunday 3rd November. 5-round McMahon. 40 mins + 10 seconds Fischer time. Entry fee is £10 for students, £15 for BGA members, £20 for non members and non students. Venue is the Wheatsheaf Hotel, 22 High Street, LA6 3AD, Ingleton. Prizes: first £50, second £25, third £10. All three will be awarded with a trophy. Additional prizes will be announced at a later date.
Saturday 2nd: Registration 9:00–10:00. 3 rounds starting at 10:15, 13:00 and 15:15.
Sunday 3rd: 2 rounds starting at 10:00 and 13:00. Prize giving at 16:00.
The Three Peaks tournament has always been a charity-fundraising event. The money raised will be donated to the Rainbow Centre in Morecambe, a self funded charity social centre for the elderly.
Note: Adrian Abrahams, the organiser, is a trustee for this charity and its treasurer.
B Entry Form Entries to Date Refer to Adrian Abrahams on adrian7k at live dot co dot uk for any additional queries.

British Youth Go Championship

Saturday 9th November. Leicester County Bridge Club, 67 St. Oswald Road, Leicester LE3 6RJ. Registration 09:15 to 09:45. Prize giving 17:00. Youth titles at U8, U10, U12, U14, U16 and U18 will be contested, on 19x19 boards, in addition to the title of overall British Youth Champion. Modified McMahon system will be used, 5 or 6 rounds, time limit 20 minutes + 5 secs Fischer time. Beginners and those new to the game will be made particularly welcome, and can select to play most of their games on 13x13 boards. Non-British residents also welcome, but some may not be eligible for titles. Closing date for entries 6th November. Contact bygc at More info / Entry Form C

Northern Go Tournament

Sunday 17th November. Cheadle Hulme School, just south of Manchester, SK8 6EG. 3-round McMahon tournament. Uses Fischer timing, with 30 minutes' main time plus 10 seconds added per move played. Contact Chris Kirkham cckirkham AT btinternet DOT com
B More info. Entry Form Entries to Date

UK Students 9 x 9.  Sponsored by

Sunday 24th November starting 4p.m.
Free registration.
Online 9X9 tournament with 5 rounds to be played in OGS.
This tournament is aimed at university students all over the UK regardless of their familiarity with the game of Go.
The goal is to create a friendly environment in which all who wish can join for a chat and play (or just watch) some short Go games with likeminded students all over the UK.
The tournament will take place online in OGS, will consist of 5 rounds and will be following the McMahon system. This means that all participants will play 5 rounds (or up tp five if they wish to play less rounds) and will be matched from the first round with players of similar strength. Each game will be of 10 mins + 5 seconds Fischer time. This means that you will start with 10 minutes on your clock and get an extra 5 seconds every time that you place a stone.
Thanks to the support of Go Magic we are able to offer the following prizes:
    First place: Voucher of Go Magic for the value of $70.
    Second place: Voucher of Go Magic for the value of $35.
    Third place: Voucher of Go Magic for the value of $35.
    4+ wins: free student membership to the BGA (valued £10).
If you are unsure if you want to participate or not feel free to sign up as a spectator and join in during later rounds (or remain a spectator if you wish to do so).
Please use the links belows to register for playing (or just to have a look) and to see who else is attending.
Entry Form Entries to Date
Refer to Marco Praderio on praderiom at gmail dot com for any additional queries.

T Mark Hall Rapid Play Tournament

Saturday 7th December. London Go Centre, Dalling Road, Hammersmith, W6 0JD. Registration 09:45 to 10:15. Prize giving 17:30. 5 round MacMahon. 30 minutes with no overtime. Contact Gerry Gavigan: londongocentre AT C More Info

50th London Open

Saturday 28th–Tuesday 31st December. London Go Centre, Dalling Rd, London W6 0JD. 7-round McMahon with Fischer time 70 minutes + 10 seconds. Prize pool of over £1150 with £500 for the winner of the tournament. Side events of Lightning and Pair Go also with prizes. Contact Gerry Gavigan: londongocentre AT
A More Info/Pre-register

We are pleased and honoured to have Ohashi Hirofumi 7P from the Nihon-Kiin as the professional-in-residence for the 50th edition of the London Open Go Congress. Ohashi will be available for game reviews and advice, and will also give two lectures and review the final game of the top board.

Last updated Sat Feb 22 2025.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.