Archive: Past Go Events in the UK 2023
2024 events 2022 events
British Youth Go Championships
Saturday 21st January. Leicester County Bridge Club, St. Oswalds Road, Leicester, LE 3 6RJ Registration 09:15 to 09:45. Prize giving 17:00. Youth titles at U8, U10, U12, U14, U16 and U18 will be contested, on 19x19 boards, in addition to the titles of overall British Youth Champion and British Schools Team Champions. Modified McMahon system will be used, 5 or 6 rounds, time limit 20 minutes + 5 secs Fischer time. Beginners and those new to the game will be made particularly welcome, and can select to play most of their games on 13x13 boards. Non-British residents also welcome, but some may not be eligible for titles. Contact bygc at C
British Small Board
Sunday 12th February The Old library, Pembroke College, Cambridge. Registration 12:00-12:30, prize giving 17:30. Many rounds of 13x13 games. Entries to the mail address in the information please until an entry form is created. Note - limited spaces - now full!
Saturday 18th February.
Lancaster University Campus - Management School
Registration 10:00-10:30. 3 round MacMahon. Time control of Fischer time, 40 minutes basic + 10 second per move. Prize giving by 18:00. Fees £15, -£5 for BGA members, -£5 for students. Youths pay £5.
For information contact Marco Praderio on praderiom at
MSO GP 19x19
Saturday 25th February (amended date). Afternoon and evening from 14:00. Online event on OGS. Get GP entry ticket then enter the event (both free).
Cambridge Trigantius
Saturday 11th March.
St Philip's Church Centre, 185 Mill Road, Cambridge CB1 3AN.
3 round McMahon, Fischer Time, 45 minutes basic + 15 seconds per move bonus. Registration 09:30 to 10:00, first round 10:15, prize giving 19:00.
Registration is now closed as we have reached full capacity. Players on the standby list will be contacted if someone drops out before the tournament. Unfortunately we will not be able to accept new entries on the day.
MSO GP 9x9
Sunday 12th March (amended date). Afternoon from 14:00. Online 9X9 event on OGS. Get GP entry ticket then enter the event (both free).
Cheshire ** Postponed until 1st July **
Joint British/Irish Go Congress
Friday 31st March to Sunday 2nd April.
Maldron Hotel Belfast City , 20 Brunswick St, Belfast BT2 7GE.
A five round MacMahon for the British Open Championship, and the British Lightning Championship on the Friday Evening.
Early entries are essential.
1st UCL Go Tournament
Saturday 15th April Chadwick Building, Chadwick 07-08 (enter from the Front Lodge), Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT. Campus Map NOTE - Due to capacity limits entries are now closed. A three round MacMahon followed by drinks/dinner in the Pub. Registration is at 9:15-9:45. Prize giving at 17:50. B
British Go Association AGM
Thursday 20th April 20:00 on Zoom.
British Schools Team Championship
Sunday 23rd April. For teams of 3 from same school or youth club, on OGS (BGA Youth Group), registration by 14:00. 3 rounds (extra final may be needed). Team entries (including reserves) to ynews@
Rip-Off Tournament, Dublin
Saturday 29th April. The Teacher’s Club, 36 Parnell Square West, Dublin 1 3 round McMahon tournament. 45 minutes with 5x30s byoyomi. Registration 11:00. Prizes about 19:30. B
British Championship - Candidates Tournament
Saturday 29th April - Monday 1st May. The Open University Cricket Pavilion, Milton Keynes Location This will follow the format and rules laid down for the British Championship Championship Rules. Please note especially the qualification and eligibility rules. NOTE: Due to the size of the venue entries are limited to a maximum of 32, which will be on a first-come first-served basis. Here is the list of those players who have qualified for the 2023 Candidates Qualifiers. This list does not reflect the eligibility of the players in question. If you believe you have qualified but are not on this list please contact tournaments-chair at Fuller information, including details of the significant cash prizes available (due to private sponsorship) can be found under More Info. A
Sheffield University
Saturday 6th May. Uni Central, Students’ Union, University of Sheffield, S10 2TG. 3 round McMahon tournament. Fischer time 40m +10s. Registration 10:00-11:00. Prize-giving 18:15. B
Chorleywood ** Postponed **
Not the London Open
Saturday 27th May - Monday 29th May. London Go Centre, Dalling Rd, London W6 0JD. 6 round McMahon tournament. Also side events and analysis by Hwang In-Seong, 8d. Registration by 13:30 Saturday. Prize-giving 17:30 Monday. Lightning 18:00 Sunday. A
Saturday 3rd June. ** CANCELLED for 2023**
British Pair Go Championships
Saturday 10th June. Frodsham Community Centre, Fluin Lane, Frodsham, Cheshire, WA6 7QN. Tournament for teams of one male and one female; play alternately; no conferring. British championship and handicap sections. Registration by 11:00. Prize-giving by 17:15. Contact Pat Ridley More about PairGo
Galway (provisional)
Saturday 17th - Sunday 18th June. Elvet Hill House, next to the Oriental Museum, Millhill Lane, Durham DH1 3TH Registration by 10:30 Saturday. Prize-giving by 17:30 Sunday. 6 Round McMahon, with side events. Contact Andrew Ambrose-Thurman tournament at B
29th Welsh Open
Saturday 24th - Sunday 25th June. Dragon Theatre, Jubilee Road, Barmouth, LL42 1EF 6-round McMahon tournament. Entries welcomed for single days or both days. Players are welcome to miss any round(s), without detriment to prize-allocation. Free coffee, tea & biscuits. Contact Helen and Martin Harvey harveymartin939 AT gmail DOT com B
Saturday 1st July. Frodsham Community Centre, Fluin Lane, Frodsham, Cheshire, WA6 7QN. 3-round McMahon for all players. Fischer Time 30 mins with 10 secs per move. Registration by 10:30. Prize-giving by 18:30. Contact Pat Ridley cheshire at B
UK Go Challenge Finals (online)
** Postponed to Sunday 15th October.
European Go Congress, Leipzig, Germany
Saturday 22nd July - Saturday 5th August.
Youth Go Camp
Wednesday 9th - Saturday 12th August. Caythorpe, Lincolnshire. Bookings now closed. More Info
Mind Sports Olympiad
Sunday 20th - Monday 28th August. JW3, 341-351 Finchley Road, London NW3 6ET. This is a modern Jewish Community Centre - please note food and knives etc may not be brought on site. No events Saturday 26th. Competition for medals. Details of Go events below. More Info
British Championship Title Match
Saturday 26th, Sunday 27th and Monday 28th August (if needed).
London Go Centre, Dalling Rd, London W6 0JD.
Best of three match between Bruno Poltronieri and Ho Yeung Woo to determine British Go Champion for 2023.
Play will start at 12:00 each day. The London Go centre will stream the match on their YouTube channel. Matthew Macfadyen will provide a commentary on KGS.
MSO Small Board
Sunday 27th August. 18:45. 4-round Swiss. 13x13 games. 20 mins. Entry fee £10.
MSO Open
Monday 28th August. 10:00 to 18:00. 4-round McMahon. 40 mins + 30 in 5 overtime. Entry fee £15. B
Saturday 9th September. St Columba's by the Castle Episcopal Church Hall, 14 Johnston Terrace, Edinburgh, EH1 2PW. 3-round McMahon Tournament. Fischer time 30 mins + 15 sec. Cost: £15 for BGA / £20 Non-BGA Members. Concession: £5 saving. Registration from 9:30 to 09:45. Prizegiving approximately 17:30. B
Doki Doki Festival, Manchester
Saturday 9th - Sunday 10th September 2023. Sugden Sports Centre, 114 Grosvenor Street, Manchester M1 7HL (as in 2022). BGA members are as ever manning a stall on both days. Free demos of Go will be given to many members of the public. In 2019, of the 4,000 attendees, we demoed to 200, or 5%. If you could spare time to join the BGA team - on one day or both - please contact Martin Harvey
Postponed until 2024.
Confucius Cup
Friday 22nd - Sunday 24th September. Confucius Institute, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland Rapid tournament on Friday night, Confucius Cup (Open) on Saturday and Sunday. 5-round McMahon tournament. Time controls 60 minutes + 5 x 30s byoyomi Top prize — €1000. Bonus Point Level C tournament for the EGF Grand Prix. Light refreshments and buffet dinner (Saturday night) included. A
Youth Squad Selection Tournament
Sunday 24th September. 3-round McMahon tournament with time limits of 10 minutes base time + 10 seconds per move Fischer time. 14:30 on OGS (registration by 14:15), end by 18:00. Please enter in advance if possible by contacting Paul Smith, paul361smith at
Sheffield (Greenhill Library)
Sunday 1st October. Greenhill Library, 160 Hemper Lane, Sheffield S8 7FE. 3-round McMahon tournament. 40 minutes per round plus 10 seconds per move Fischer time. Registration by 10:00; prize giving by 18:30. Several lower-graded players are expected. Entry fee for adults & children £10. Contact David Wildgoose dbwildgoose at B
UK Go Challenge Finals (online)
Sunday 15th October. Online on OGS (BGA Youth group 4739). First round 14:00, end about 18:00. The Go Challenge Finals are open to all junior players of school age in the UK, including strong and novice players. There will be 6 rounds, played on 13x13 boards. Thanks to the Youth Go Trust, there are over £200 in prizes, with £20 for the top boy and top girl in each age group, the overall winner gets a larger prize. There are also Youth Grand Prix points available. You must enter in advance by contacting Paul Smith at the email address below. All players must say hello in the chat box in the BGA Youth Group on OGS by 13:45 on the tournament day, otherwise they will miss the first round. Contact paul361smith at gmail dot com More on UK Go Challenge
UK University Tournament (online)
Monday 23rd October - Sunday 12th November. Online on OGS. This tournament is aimed to all those university students that have recently learned how to play Go. Entry is FREE. The tournament (non rated) will consist of six 13X13 games to be played online on OGS during the span of three weeks (dates to be scheduled with your opponent within time limit).
Sunday 29th October.
St Marks Community Centre, St Marks Rd, Bath BA2 4PA.
A three round McMahon tournament. 30 minutes per round plus 10 seconds per move Fischer time. Prizes for the best performances.
Due to logistics numbers are limited to the first 50 entries. Entry Fees as on the entry form (cash on the day).
Tea, coffee, soft drinks and unhealthy buns will be available.
Registration 9:30 - 10:15
Round 1 10:30
Round 2 13:15
Round 3 15:15
Prizes 17:15
Hall must be tidied and cleared by 18:00
There will be a selection of Go related Books free to take away. (Hint - they are free for a reason ...)
Bar Low Tournament
Saturday 4th November. London Go Centre, Dalling Road, Hammersmith, W6 0JD. 5 round McMahon tournament for kyu players only (rating LE 1950). 25 minutes with 20 in 5 overtime. Lecture at 18:00. Registration 09:00 to 09:30. Prizes at 19:00. Contact londongocentre at C
T Mark Hall Rapid Play Tournament
Postponed until Saturday 9th December.
Three Peaks
Saturday 4th - Sunday 5th November. The Wheatsheaf, 22 High Street, Ingleton. Registration from 09:00, Round 1 at 10:00. 3 rounds Saturday, 2 rounds Sunday. Time limits - Fischer time, 40 minutes basic, 10 seconds a move. Entry Fee £15 BGA Members, £10 students, £20 non-members. First Prize £50, Runner-up £25. Trophies for first three places.
British Youth Go Championship
Saturday 11th November. Leicester County Bridge Club, St. Oswalds Road, Leicester, LE 3 6RJ Registration 09:15 to 09:45. Prize giving 17:00. Youth titles at U8, U10, U12, U14, U16 and U18 will be contested, on 19x19 boards, in addition to the title of overall British Youth Champion. Modified McMahon system will be used, 5 or 6 rounds, time limit 20 minutes + 5 secs Fischer time. Beginners and those new to the game will be made particularly welcome, and can select to play most of their games on 13x13 boards. Non-British residents also welcome, but some may not be eligible for titles. Closing date for entries 8th November. Contact bygc at C
Guest Lecture by Tom Urasoe of Nihon Kiin
Saturday 11th November, 14:30 . London Go Centre, Dalling Road, Hammersmith, W6 0JD.
British Small Board
Saturday 18th November The Old library, Pembroke College, Cambridge. Registration 12:00-12:30, prize giving 17:30. Many rounds of 13x13 games. Note - limited spaces! Contact Paul Smith paul361smith at
Northern Go Tournament
Sunday 19th November. Cheadle Hulme School, just south of Manchester, SK8 6EG. 3-round McMahon tournament. Uses Fischer timing, with 30 minutes' main time plus 10 seconds added per move played. Registration from 9:45 to 10:00. Prizegiving approximately 17:45. Contact Chris Kirkham cckirkham AT btinternet DOT com B
T Mark Hall Rapid Play Tournament
Saturday 9th December. London Go Centre, Dalling Road, Hammersmith, W6 0JD. Registration 09:45 to 10:15. Prize giving 17:30. 5 round MacMahon (Note - previous description as a Swiss event was inaccurate) tournament with handicaps. 30 minutes with no overtime. Contact londongocentre at C
London Open
Thursday 28th–Sunday 31st December.
London Go Centre, Dalling Rd, London W6 0JD.
7 round McMahon. Time limit 50 minutes with 20s/move Fischer time. Also Lightning, Pair Go and Rengo. Also hosting the European Grand Prix final, a knock-out competition between 16 top European players.
Contact londongocentre at
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.