Archive: Past Go Events in the UK 2022

2023 events 2021 events




Youth Online

Sunday 20th February. 3-round McMahon on OGS (in BGA Youth group - 4739) from 14:00. Registration 13:30-14:00 - just turn up and enter!



Saturday 12th March. St Philip's Church, 185 Mill Road, Cambridge CB1 3AN. This tournament will be held provided Covid behaves as is now expected.
3 Round McMahon tournament. Fischer time with 45 min Basic time, 15 sec per move Bonus time. Registration by 10:00. Prize-giving 19:00. Please note: on the day we use a self-registration system aimed at speeding up the process. See More Info for details. Phil Beck pbeck173 at yahoo dot co dot uk A


Saturday 19th March. Frodsham Community Centre, Fluin Lane, Frodsham, Cheshire, WA6 7QN. 3-round McMahon for all players. Fischer Time 40 mins with 10 secs per move. Registration by 10:30. Prize-giving by 18:30. B


Rip-Off Tournament, Dublin

Saturday 2nd April The Teacher’s Club, 36 Parnell Square West, Dublin 1 3 round McMahon tournament. 45 minutes with 5x30s byoyomi. Registration 10:30 - 11:00. Prizes before 18:30. Contact dublin at B

British Schools Team Championship

Sunday 3rd April. For teams of 3 on OGS from 10:00 D

British Congress

Friday April 8th - Sunday April 10th. Lancaster University. British Lightning 19:00 Friday. British Open 6-round McMahon: 10:00-19:00 Saturday, 09:30-18:15 Sunday. A

Ulster Open

Saturday 23rd April. Lisburn chess rooms, 60-62 Longstone Street, Lisburn. BT28 1TR 3 round McMahon tournament. 45 minutes with 3x30s byoyomi. Registration 10:00 - 10:30. Prizes about 18:30. Contact james8hut A-T hotmail D-O-T com B

Not the London Open

Saturday 30th April - Monday 2nd May. London Go Centre, Dalling Rd, London W6 0JD. 6 round McMahon tournament. Also side events and analysis by Stephanie Yin, 1P, from New York Institute of Go. Registration by 13:30 Saturday. Prize-giving 17:30 Monday. Lightning 18:00 Sunday. A

Sheffield University

Saturday 14th May. Diamond Workroom 2, 32 Leavygreave Rd, Broomhall, Sheffield S3 7RD. 3 round McMahon tournament. Fischer time 40m +10s. Registration by 10:00-10:30. Prize-giving 18:15 - 18:45. Contact Daniel Guest

MSO Grand Prix 9x9

Afternoon of Saturday 21st May. Played online. Swiss tournament. Registration open. More About MSO Grand Prix

MSO Grand Prix 19x19

Afternoon and evening of Saturday 28th May. Played online. McMahon tournament. Registration open. More About MSO Grand Prix


British Championship Candidates Tournament

Thursday 2nd - Saturday 4th June. Letchworth Settlement, SG6 4UB. Six round Swiss tournament, with seeding in the first round. Players who meet the eligibility and qualification rules are cordially invited to enter. The top two at the end of the tournament will take part later in the British Championship Title Match for 2022.

Eligibility and Qualification Rules are detailed with the exception that for 2022 only we have amended the qualification criteria to include any player who has finished an EGF rated tournament with a GoR of 1900 or more in the three year period 1st April 2019 to 9th May 2022 (this brings the British Open and the 'Not the London Open' into play for this year). GoRs calculated under either the old or new EGD rating algorithm are acceptable.

If you are on any of the following lists you will have made the qualification, but you may still have made it even if not shown here as we are using both EGD algorithms.
2020 list
2021 list
2022 list

Kyu Players Training/Bar Low Tournament

Saturday 4th - Sunday 5th June. London Go Centre, Dalling Rd, London W6 0JD. Weekend now cancelled.

Bar Low Tournament

Sunday 5th June. ** Now deferred until Autumn ** London Go Centre, Dalling Rd, London W6 0JD. 5 round McMahon tournament for kyu players only. 25 minutes with 20 in 5 overtime. Registration 09:00 - 09:30. Prizes at 18:00. Contact londongocentre at C

Junior Rapid Play Online Handicap Tournament

Sunday 5th June. 14:00-18:00 on OGS.

Cheltenham **POSTPONED UNTIL 2023**


Saturday 11th – Sunday 12th June. Elvet Hill House, next to the Oriental Museum, Millhill Lane, Durham DH1 3TH Registration by 10:30 Saturday. Prize-giving by 17:30 Sunday. 6 Round McMahon, with side events. Contact Andrew Ambrose-Thurman tournament at B

British Pair Go Championships

Saturday 18th June. London Go Centre, Dalling Rd, London W6 0JD. Tournament for teams of one male and one female; play alternately; no conferring. British championship and handicap sections. Registration by 11:00. Prize-giving by 17:15. More about PairGo

28th Welsh Open

Saturday 25th - Sunday 26th June. Min y Mor Hotel, The Promenade, Barmouth, LL42 1HW Sponsored by GoMagic, with additional prizes from AI Sensei. 6-round McMahon tournament. Entries welcomed for single days or both days. Players are welcome to miss any round(s), without detriment to prize-allocation. Free coffee, tea & biscuits. An early and a later sitting for the Saturday evening meal. Contact Helen and Martin Harvey harveymartin939 AT gmail DOT com


Japan Day, Liverpool

11:00-17:00 on Saturday 2nd July. Liverpool Guild of Students, 160 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool L3 5TR. Japan Society North West are running a day of Japanese culture, with displays and performances. Free entry. BGA members are as ever manning a stall giving free demos of Go. If you could spare time to join the BGA team please contact Martin Harvey, harveymartin939 AT gmail DOT com

European Go Congress

23rd July - 7th August 2022. Vatra Dornei, Romania


Youth Go Camp

Wednesday 10th - Saturday 13th August (revised dates). Caythorpe, Lincolnshire. More Info

British Championship - Title Match

Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st August. Games 1 and 2 in the best of 3 title match will be at the London Go Centre, starting at 12:00 each day. The two contenders are Gaoge Wang and Bruno Poltronieri. Thanks to the efforts of the LGC the match will be streamed live on the London Go Centre YouTube Channel, and we are pleased to have a commentary by Matthew Macfadyen on KGS. The streaming will allow you to ask questions and discuss the match whilst it is in progress. We plan to publish full analyses of the games a little while after the event, both in the BGJ and on the BGA YouTube Channel.

Mind Sports Olympiad

Sunday 21st - Monday 29th August. JW3, 341-351 Finchley Road, London NW3 6ET. This is a modern Jewish Community Centre - please note food and knives etc may not be brought on site. No events Saturday 27th. Competition for medals. Details of Go events shown below. More Info

Doki Doki Festival, Manchester

Saturday 27th - Sunday 28th August 2022. Sugden Sports Centre, 114 Grosvenor Street, Manchester M1 7HL (as in 2019). BGA members are as ever manning a stall on both days. Free demos of Go will be given to many members of the public. In 2019, of the 4,000 attendees, we demoed to 200, or 5%. Festival site. If you could spare time to join the BGA team - on one day or both - please contact Martin Harvey, harveymartin939 AT gmail DOT com

MSO Small Board

Sunday 28th August. 18:45. 4-round Swiss. 13x13 games. 20 mins. Entry fee £10.

MSO Open

Monday 29th August. 10:00 to 18:00. 4-round McMahon. 40 mins + 30 in 5 overtime. Entry fee £15. Prizes: £80 for 1st, £40 for 2nd, and £20 for 3rd. Prizes thanks to ASICS. B



Saturday 10th September. St Columba's by the Castle Episcopal Church Hall, 14 Johnston Terrace, Edinburgh, EH1 2PW. 3-round McMahon Tournament. Fischer time 30 mins + 15 sec. Cost: £15 for BGA / £20 Non-BGA Members. Concession: £5 saving. Registration from 9:30 to 09:45. Prizegiving approximately 17:30. Contact edinburghgoclub at B

Youth Squad Selection Tournament

Sunday 18th September. 3-round McMahon tournament with time limits of 10 minutes base time + 10 seconds per move Fischer time. 14:30 on OGS (registration by 14:15), end by 18:00.

Confucius Cup

Friday 23rd - Sunday 25th September (change of date). University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland Rapid tournament on Friday night, Confucius Cup on Saturday and Sunday. 5-round McMahon tournament. Time controls 60 minutes + 5 x 30s byoyomi Top prize — €1000. Bonus Point Level C tournament for the EGF Grand Prix. A


Saturday 24th September. Swindon Conservative Club, 20 Bath Road, Swindon, SN1 4BA 3-round McMahon Tournament. 45 minutes + 15 seconds Fischer time. Registration by 10:00. Prize giving 18:15. Preferably by email to Christian Scarff xianscarff @, but phone entries will also be accepted on 07739 079552. A



Sunday 9th October 2022. Greenhill Library, 160 Hemper Lane, Sheffield S8 7FE. 3-round McMahon tournament. 40 minutes per round plus 10 seconds per move Fischer time. Registration by 10:00; prize giving about 18:00. Several lower-graded players are expected. Contact David Wildgoose dbwildgoose at B

UK Go Challenge Finals (online)

Sunday 16th October. Online on OGS (BGA Youth group). First round 14:00, end about 18:00. Finals for UK school and junior Go clubs and all other UK juniors. Free entry. Games played on 13x13 boards. Titles in age groups for boys and for girls. Contact Paul Smith paul361smith at More on UK Go Challenge


Sunday 30th October. St Marks Community Centre, Bath BA2 4PA. 3-round McMahon. Fischer time, 40 minutes basic plus 10 seconds a move. Registration 10:00 - 10:30 (allows for train travel from London). Round 1 10:45. Prize giving around 18:00. Fees (cash on the day): Adult £10, First event £8, Junior (U18) £5, £3 extra if not a BGA member. Usual selection of incredibly healthy (!) buns, biscuits, tea and coffee will be provided. B


Three Peaks

Saturday 5th November - Sunday 6th November. The Wheatsheaf, 22 High Street, Ingleton, LA6 3AD. 5-round McMahon tournament. Time limits by Fischer Time (equivalent of an hour). Registration by 10:30 Saturday. Prize giving 16:15 Sunday. £15 for members, £10 pounds concession (students and non-waged), free for first time entry to BGA competition. Contact Adrian Abrahams adrian7k at Emergency on the day phone number: 07429228608

Bar Low Tournament

Saturday 5th November. London Go Centre, Dalling Road, Hammersmith, W6 0JD. 5 round McMahon tournament for kyu players only (rating LE 1950). 25 minutes with 20 in 5 overtime. Lecture by Yaoling Yang at 18:00. Registration 09:00 to 09:30. Prizes at 19:00. Contact londongocentre at C

T Mark Hall Rapid Play Tournament

Sunday 6th November. London Go Centre, Dalling Road, Hammersmith, W6 0JD. Registration 09:15 to 09:45. Prize giving 18:00. 5 round Swiss tournament with handicaps. 25 minutes with 20 in 5 overtime. Contact londongocentre at C

Northern Go Tournament

Sunday 20th November. Cheadle Hulme School, just south of Manchester, SK8 6EG. 3-round McMahon tournament. Uses Fischer timing, with 30 minutes' main time plus 10 seconds added per move played. Registration from 9:45 to 10:00. Prizegiving approximately 17:45. Please enter online, using the 'Enter' button below. Contact Chris Kirkham cckirkham AT btinternet DOT com B


London Youth

Saturday 3rd December. London Go Centre, Dalling Rd, London W6 0JD. Registration 10:30-11:00. Prize giving 17:00. Two groups: top group 3 rounds even games, handicap group 5 rounds. Entry fee includes lunch. Separate Novices' 13x13 Tournament from 14:00 (free entry). Contact londonyouth at B/C

London Open

Wednesday 28th–Saturday 31st December. London Go Centre, Dalling Rd, London W6 0JD. 7 round McMahon. Time limit 50 minutes with 20s/move Fischer time. Also Lightning, Pair Go and Rengo. Contact londongocentre at A

Last updated Thu Mar 06 2025.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.