Pandanet Go European Team Championship 2024/2025

Tournament Date
Tue, 15 Oct 2024 - Tue, 13 May 2025
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This is the 15th season of a team competition played online on Pandanet (IGS) in its own room called "EuropeanTeamChamp". Pandanet kindly sponsor the League, and the top four teams in the top division attend over-the-board finals at the European Go Congress.

The UK team is captained by Bruno Poltronieri. Matches are four players a side, made up of available players from the registered team. The Championship is split into four leagues, originally by average rating of the best team members, but with promotion/demotion from the previous year. The UK has been promoted to the B League. Games are played every three or four weeks (with breaks for Christmas and Easter).

For more information visit Pandanet Go European Team Championship.

Current season results and league table

UK results for other seasons

Current score:
2 wins, 2 draws, 2 losses
Current position 5th place

British Team

Name, IGS Handle, rating (grade)

  1. Damen Woo, dhywoo, 2573 (6d)
  2. Michael Cheung, takumigo24, 2451 (4d)
  3. Scott Cobbold, mismo, 2421 (4d)
  4. Jake Game, Positive69, 2413 (4d)
  5. Bruno Poltronieri, FrenchDude, 2376 (4d) -- captain
  6. Ryan Zhang, RYANZ2013, 2334 (3d)
  7. Jon Diamond, mumps, 2294 (3d)
  8. Des Cann, Shuko, 2271 (2d)
  9. Jamie Taylor, gloooomph, 2215 (2d)
  10. Tim Hunt, timhunt, 2199 (2d)
  11. Alison Bexfield, abexgo, 2106 (1d)
  12. Edmund Smith, dmunde, 2071 (1d)


15 Oct - Austria25 Feb - Belgium
12 Nov - Netherlands 18 Mar - Serbia
10 Dec - Croatia15 Apr - Finland
7 Jan - Italy 13 May - Switzerland
4 Feb - Lithuania


Tuesday 15 October - Austria 4-0

  1. Michael Cheung (B) beat Victor Lin (Sandmann, 6d) by resignation sgf
  2. Scott Cobbold (W) beat Peter Neubauer (Animiral, 2d ) by resignation sgf
  3. Jake Game (B) beat Lucas Maria Hofmann (lucirex1, 1d) by resignation sgf
  4. Bruno Poltronieri (W) beat Lisa Mayer (Senffarbe, 1d) by 35.5 sgf

Tuesday 12 November - Netherlands 1-3

  1. Damen Woo (W) beat Rob van Zeijst (Zaphodius, 7d) by 11.5 sgf
  2. Scott Cobbold (B) lost to Gilles van Eeden (gigago, 6d) by resignation sgf
  3. Jake Game (W) lost to Frank Janssen (janssensei, 5d) by 13.5 sgf
  4. Bruno Poltronieri (B) lost to Michiel Eijkhout (BigOak, 5d) by 0.5 sgf

Tuesday 10 December - Croatia 1-3

  1. Scott Cobbold (B) lost to Stjepan Medak (Noether67, 4d) by resignation sgf
  2. Jake Game (W) lost to Roko Crvelin (RokoCrv, 3d) by resignation sgf
  3. Bruno Poltronieri (B) beat Mirta Medak (orinoco, 3d) by resignation sgf
  4. Ryan Zhang (W) lost to Tadej Petar Tukara (Tux99, 2d) by resignation sgf

Tuesday 7 January - Italy 2-2

  1. Damon Woo (B) beat Alessandro Pace (pizza, 5d) by resignation sgf
  2. Jake Game (W) beat Carlo Metta (PaxDeorum, 4d) by resignation sgf
  3. Bruno Poltronieri (B) lost to Davide Minieri (Wiles, 3d) by resignation sgf
  4. Jon Diamond (W) lost to Davide Grasso (zenia, 2d) by resignation sgf

Tuesday 4 February - Lithuania 4-0

  1. Michael Cheung (W) beat Vladas Zaleskas (VladasLTU, 5d) by resignation sgf
  2. Jake Game (B) beat Simonas Satkus (Piemuo, 3d) by resignation sgf
  3. Bruno Poltronieri (W) beat Ernestas Romeika (Hurakami, 3d) by resignation sgf
  4. Ryan Zhang (B) beat Tomas Sabirovas (liquid, 2d) by resignation sgf

Tuesday 25 February - Belgium 2-2

  1. Michael Cheung (B) lost to Lucas Neirynck (Cucurucucu, 6d) by 8.5 sgf
  2. Scott Cobbold (W) beat Jan Ramon (janr, 3d) by resignation sgf
  3. Jake Game (B) lost to Lucman Bounoider (CapCut, 3d) by resignation sgf
  4. Bruno Poltronieri (W) beat Kévin Prist (kprist, 2d) by 44.5 sgf
Last updated Wed Feb 26 2025.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.