Board and Officials

Board and Officials Officials by Commitee Officials by Person Vacancies
We usually have several vacancies amongst our various positions and officer roles. These are listed below. All areas can, of course, need extra assistance, for instance an area where we often need help is developing youth activities. If you think you can help with work in any area then please let us know. If you are interested in helping us with one of the listed vacancies or in any other way please contact the President or another Board member.
Role Committee Job Descripton
Secretary Board

The Secretary maintains the day-to-day communications of the Board and keeps minutes of all meetings, General and Board.

Marketing Marketing and Publications

The Marketing Manager is responsible for initiating, managing and monitoring of all marketing initiatives. These include

  • encouraging and helping with publicity for our own tournaments and other events
  • identifying and developing publicity for other target opportunities
  • participating in exhibitions and other kinds of external events
  • handling relations with other external UK organisations not directly covered by other officials, e.g. the Anglo-Japan Society
Publicity Material Marketing and Publications

Responsible for producing new editions of publicity materials.

Student Development Player Development

Suggests ways of and encourages development of the level of play of Go amongst students.

Universities Liaison Clubs and Membership

Helps new university clubs get underway and offers help to existing clubs.