Youth Grand Prix

Current Champion
Clinton Yu

Annual Grand Prix for under-18s

Past Winners and Results
  • 2024 Clinton Yu (102 players)
  • 2023 Ryan Zhang (132 players)
  • 2022 Andrew Volovich (107 players)
  • 2021 Andrew Volovich (102 players)
  • 2020 Oliver Bardsley (62 players)
  • 2019 Caleb Monk (115 players)
  • 2018 Edmund Smith (105 players)
  • 2017 Edmund Smith (83 players)
  • 2016 Edmund Smith (68 players)
  • 2015 Charlotte Bexfield (49 players)
  • 2014 Edmund Smith (51 players)
  • 2013 Oscar Selby (49 players)
  • 2012 Edmund Smith (38 players)
  • 2011 Adan Mordcovich (42 players)
  • 2010 Roella Smith (69 players)
  • 2009 Matthew Hathrell (86 players)
  • 2008 Danielle Ward (78 players)
  • 2007 William Brooks (92 players)
  • 2006 Ken Dackombe (58 players)
  • 2005 Maria Tabor (92 players)
  • 2004 William Brooks (60 players)
  • 2003 Jonathan Englefield (40 players)
  • 2002 Jonathan Englefield (27 players)
  • 2001 Paul Blockley (34 players)
  • 1996/97 Thomas Blockley (special award as points were not counted)
  • 1995/96 James Harrod (previous system - end of the year was the British Go Congress)
  • 1994/95 David King
  • 1993/94 David King
Start Year

This runs throughout the year and is not a specific tournament. Junior players score points for each tournament they enter, with additional points being scored for each game that they win. The top three players at the end of the year hold the trophies for a year and receive a winners' certificate, plus a cash prize, presented either at the British Go Congress or other appropriate event. Cash prizes of £50, £30 and £20 are provided from a fund set up in memory of John Rickard, 4 dan, who died in 2002.

Current Points Table

The rules are:

  1. Qualifying tournaments are all tournaments held in the UK and open to youth entrants from anywhere in the UK. Every tournament has a maximum number of points that you can score there. For most Go tournaments this is 100 points. For the Youth Championships, it is 200 points.
  2. You get 40% of the points just for turning up. For the other 60% you score in proportion to points scored in the tournament. For example, if you win 2 out of 3 in a tournament worth 100 points, you score 40 plus two thirds of 60, i.e. 80 in total.
  3. All under-18s (age as at 1st September of the previous year) can score points. (Note: we are often asked why September of the previous year rather than January of the current year. The reason is to link the age requirement to the school year.)
  4. The competition runs for a calendar year with the London Open counting as the last tournament. Prizes will be awarded at an appropriate event in the following year.
Last updated Wed Feb 12 2025.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.