History of Go in Britain

British Go History

Go arrived in the UK from Japan over 100 years ago. From 1929 organised play started to develop and the BGA was set up in the 1950s. You can read more about this by following the links below.

Annual Reviews

Each year an annual review is written. Those here from 1991 to 2001 were produced for the "Ranka" yearbook, that was published by the International Go Federation, and earlier reviews are based on the "Years Ago" series from the British Go Journal.


History of various aspects of the organisation of Go in Britain by the BGA.

UK Tournaments

History of the major tournaments held regularly in the UK such as the British Open and Championship.

International Tournaments

History of some international events held in the UK.

Hall of Fame

Winners of various events and titles competed for in the UK


History and archives of our Journal, Newsletter and Online News Service

Last updated Tue Dec 31 2024.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.