British Go Journal Game Files

This page links to pages that provide SGF files of the games in each British Go Journal, from BGJ 112 on. Diagram files for many teaching articles are also available. Often only the moves (not the comments) are included.

Also included are problem diagrams, from BGJ 140 on.

Full articles from older journals, recent book and software reviews and some expanded articles, and full PDFs of all journals are also available.

* = Note: the four most recent editions at any time are members only.

Games from British Championships earlier than 1998 are available on the list of British Championship winners.

If you don't yet have a program that reads SGF, you can find one here, or here.

Please report any mistakes in the SGF files to the web-master. If you yourself enter the moves into a computer from any Journal game not in this collection, you could help by mailing the completed file.

Last updated Sat Feb 15 2025.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.